How do you share your dynamic blocks?? (I am sure I have seen this question before, but I wanted to post MY way).
- All Dynamic Blocks are contained in one single file for me to use. These can always be wblocked out, and I keep adding more to the library as I go, so for now, it is easier for me to keep them in one place.
- I drag and drop the Dyblocks to a named tool palette and assign layers, scales, etc.
- When the entire library has been compiled and the tool palettes are done, I hover over the the tool palette and click customize. Then, I export each tool palette to the same folder as the drawings are.
- This is the easy part. I go to someone elses puter, and import each toolbar. Thats it! I believe the toolbars are not "dynamic" in the way that if an addition is made to the actual tool palette, I need to re-import them per machine.
Any helpful suggestions? This is an easy way for me, so far. The tool palettes are just... vonderbar! Since all of the Dyblocks are looking at the same drawing file, I can make updates/addition/improvements to a block already there and the toolbars should look to the same blocks they were assigned. (Of course, as long as the block hasn't been inserted yet... )