Given we shell out enough dough for AutoCAD and/or it's related products, and that Autodesk are keen to see their DWF software get good exposure then it would make sense for Autodesk to include DWF Composer with AutoCAD.
Since we produce drawings out to DWF and prompt our clients to use DWF, and in many cases advise them to purchase composer than it makes good sense that Autodesk should make it standard that a copy of Composer be included with AutoCAD. This way when we do give such advice we can back it up by performing adequate testing and are able to provide ongoing support to them.
Currently the scenario stands that you either tell your cleint to buy composer give them the DWF's and then lose credibility because something doesn't work right or it's not a smooth enough process. Or even worse you shell out the dough yourself for Composer and then find out you can't do what you want with it.
Another disadvantage in having to purchase Composer as a seperate bit, apart from the initial cost, is the ongoing maintenance of the software (which is a burden for many organisations).
Point is Autodesk should be supporting us to support them. Composer is not something that the AutoCAD user wants its something the client NEEDS, slug them for the costs and allow us to act as well informed and skilled agents.
From an Autodesk business standpoint it seems like it is something that will happen eventually. With enough support from forum users it may happen sooner.......??? Worth a try.
EDIT: Moderator has moved my post since Composer is now called Design Review. Please substitute the words in the text above accordingly. Thanks.