Yes, you should start out your project WITH worksets to avoid the mass confusion, and labor of changing later.Originally Posted by dduarte
Good Luck!
Yes, you should start out your project WITH worksets to avoid the mass confusion, and labor of changing later.Originally Posted by dduarte
Good Luck!
Well, we do now. This was the first MAJOR project we attempted, and its spanned quite a long time. When we first dove in, before we had a solid understanding of worksets, people likened them to Layers in Acad, and there were too many, that werent doing the job they were intended for. So i combined everything in to one workset this morning, then divided it up in to buildings, like we typically do.
The levels though... I dont know what to do with them. Theres literally 35-40 of them, and many of them are duplicates of the same elevation (3d extents werent maximized early on, and we didnt establish who was controlling levels, so EVERYONE was, lol) and i want to delete a great deal of them.... But i cant.![]()
The only thing I can think of at the moment would be to just hide them in the views; by selecting the level, then right-clicking, then selecting "Hide Annotation in this View".
Yeah, thats what weve BEEN doing... Trouble is, 35ish levels, all sitting on top of one another, every time we make a view........ (lol). With elevations for every tenant space coming up, thats a lot of hiding. We've resorted to turning the levels off in Visib, and using spot elevations. I more or less want to get rid of them just to have the file cleaner, for the future, you know?Originally Posted by sleimgruber06
Just a thought. You could add the 35 offending levels to a filter and toggle off the filter's visibility in the view. That way your done in a couple clicks versus 35 right clicks per view and can still keep the levels you want on without having to resort to spot elevations. Even quicker, you could add the filter with its visibility already toggled off to a view template.
I created a workset called "Schematic Levels", placed those levels I didn't need there and now we just don't load that workset. Problem solved.
Thats a great approach, i hadnt thought of that. I can tell that workset not to be visible by default, as well, right?
Granted, for any new modeling to get done, im not sure itll help (will they still populate the constraint dialogues if theyre not loaded?), but thats definetely the closest solution im going to find.
Thanks a bunch for that suggestion...
NP, yes uncheck the "visible by default in all views" and you should be ok. Objects constrained to those levels should still show up. If I remember correctly, those "unloaded" levels shouldn't show up as options when setting a workplane etc.
Your method worked great for cleaning up drawings, and saving the time of hiding the annotation everywhere... But i thought id let you know, they still show up as potential base and top constraints when we put walls in.Originally Posted by dbaldacchino
But thats so minor at this point, its practically immaterial. We arent really putting any more walls in at this point. Its just tons of documentation left to do......![]()
You are correct, they still show up.
This method helped me clean our drawings too. During schematics, we created a few levels at the major roof heights. When in documentation, we created more levels to attach tops of walls to, so we can manage parapet heights etc (if we had a better spot elevatioin tool with the same annotating capabilities as the level annotation, we probably would not have created additional levels). So we ended up with 7 additional levels and a headache when cutting sections or adding elevations. Placing those schematic levels on a workset and turning it off in offending views made life much easier.