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Thread: copy an lman from an xref into another no matching layer names

  1. #1
    I could stop if I wanted to Hammer.John.J's Avatar
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    Default copy an lman from an xref into another no matching layer names

    You have a layer manager in a drawing called "Z-Base.dwg" and want to use the same layer manager in your "layout.dwdg" drawing BUT the survey is an xref attached as an overlay named "Z-Base.dwg" (the Z suppress the xref layers to the buttom of the sorted list) so none of the layer names will match

    1. save the lman you want to export as an .las (layer state used in the layer dialogue box)
    2. export that layer state .las file out to an external folder
    3. open that layer state with note pad
    4. adding the xref name used in the layer dialogue box to the front of the layer names in the layer state you just opened....
    4-A. example: you have X-sdiewalk as a layer in the Z-Base.dwg therefore that is how the name appears in the .las file
    4-B. you want it to read Z-Base|X-Sidewalk
    Z-Base| =the "name of the xref as shown in the xref manager, not the cad file name, the xref name, first column in the manager

    X-Sidewalk=the actual layer name as it appears in both the Z-Base.dwg and the .las file you saved above

    you need to add the Z-Base| as a prefix to every layer name that appears in the .las file you saved.

    5. once you have added the Z-Base| prefix to all the layer names, save the file, do not do a save as because the .las file name must stay the same, just click save in notepad and close it.

    6. import that .las file into you layout.dwg, click yes on the error box (the layout.dwg contains layers not found in the .las file, thats ok, we're only concerned about the Z-Base layers anyways)

    7. restore the layerstate and BAM the layers for the Z-Base in the layout look just like those in the Z-Base

    ROCK ON.

    if you have 300 layers, it takes less time to add the prefix than it does to compare every linetype, color, etc between the 2 drawings.
    Last edited by 09silverado; 2006-09-07 at 01:47 PM. Reason: fix title

  2. #2
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    Default Re: copy an lman from an xref into another no matching layer names

    I didn't get ?
    Can you explain deeply
    My mail ID

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