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Thread: ABS Layer Standards, Layer Key Styles, System Definitions...?

  1. #1
    Member kewlvigilante's Avatar
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    Default ABS Layer Standards, Layer Key Styles, System Definitions...?

    I'm reading through a few online forum references trying to get a handle on the part-layer management.
    Mainly I am trying to template standards before we begin running this in beta with our company.
    I set up my Key Styles with company Layer Names.
    When I insert the objects for example from the HVAC Palette:
    Duct (Tab), By System, Outdoor Air....
    It comes in on the wrong Layer?
    If I select any Duct it comes in on this layer name I created for objects fitting the previous company layer description of our NCS. But it isnt the one I'm aware I have assigned. So the palette does not seem to follow the key style object to the layer?

    I checked the properties of the toolpalette object:
    ^C^C(command "_AecbDuctAdd" "SY" "Outdoor Air")

    I look in my Layer Key Styles:
    None of the key styles with SY have this layer name associated?
    Last edited by kewlvigilante; 2006-09-29 at 08:45 PM.

  2. #2
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: ABS Layer Standards, Layer Key Styles, System Definitions...?

    Disclaimer: I am not a trained professional on ABS.

    I am working in ABS 2007, I am assuming you are doing the same.

    First off I would double check that inside your drawing you have the layer key you created set as the current one. To do this: Format/Drawing Set-up. Then click on the "Layering" tab. Select the layer key style you want. Select "always import layer key style". Select "save as default". NOTE: if you have several different keys inside of that file make sure under the "default layer standard" section under "Layer Key Style" is set to the one you want. Then click "apply", then click "ok".

    Next I would check to make sure that you have the systems set to the layer key that you are looking for. To do this: Format/Style Manager. Now expand the drawing. Expand "HVAC Objects", then "Duct System Definitions". In here you will see the listing of all of your duct systems. Click on one. Click on the "Design Rules" tab. You will see on the right a "Layer key" input area. Click on the down arrow and choose your desired layer key. If your desired layer key does not show up (because I believe these only list the OOTB ones) you can type in your desired layer key name. Be sure to hit "Apply" and then hit "Save" to make sure the changes stick.

    FYI: This works the same way for the piping system. Instead of clicking on "HVAC Objects" click on "Piping Objects", then "Pipe system definitions", then the "Design rules" tab again. And continue as listed above.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Member kewlvigilante's Avatar
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    Default Re: ABS Layer Standards, Layer Key Styles, System Definitions...?

    Yes I had to remove all other layer key references. It fixed the problem, or it was the fact I had not assigned any defaults for the connectors. Seems to be working reasonably well.

    I wonder.. can I set the layer standard and have it update the current layer names rather than manually editing each layer?

  4. #4
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: ABS Layer Standards, Layer Key Styles, System Definitions...?

    Glad you got it to work. I left the layer keys in there that were already existing and just added mine into the layer key file. Then I went through the different systems and changed what layer key they called. That way if there was an item that I didn't get re-keyed, I would not get an error.

    If I am understanding what you are can update/modify the layer key file, but it will not update/amend (as far as I am aware) any already existing drawings. It will only affect the new drawings that you create. But that is my best guess, you will probably have to test this out and see.

    I'm not sure if that answered your question.

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