I'm reading through a few online forum references trying to get a handle on the part-layer management.
Mainly I am trying to template standards before we begin running this in beta with our company.
I set up my Key Styles with company Layer Names.
When I insert the objects for example from the HVAC Palette:
Duct (Tab), By System, Outdoor Air....
It comes in on the wrong Layer?
If I select any Duct it comes in on this layer name I created for objects fitting the previous company layer description of our NCS. But it isnt the one I'm aware I have assigned. So the palette does not seem to follow the key style object to the layer?
I checked the properties of the toolpalette object:
^C^C(command "_AecbDuctAdd" "SY" "Outdoor Air")
I look in my Layer Key Styles:
None of the key styles with SY have this layer name associated?