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Thread: New Construction phase versus Existing Construction phase

  1. #1
    I could stop if I wanted to rkitect's Avatar
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    Default New Construction phase versus Existing Construction phase

    As shown in the attached image, my New Constrcution phase walls are cutting my existing phase walls even when the veiw properties are set on Existing and Show All. Not sure what else to try. Any suggestions?

    Hint: the slots in my wall are where the New Construction walls exist in the New Construction phase. the current view does not show New Construction phase elements.
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  2. #2
    Certified AUGI Addict patricks's Avatar
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    Default Re: New Construction phase versus Existing Construction phase

    Try setting the ends of the new walls to Disallow Join, so that it doesn't cut the existing wall at all. That is, unless you're going to be demolishing parts of that existing wall for the new wall to come in. In that case, you'll have to split the existing wall into various pieces, and demolish some of them, then bring the new walls in.

  3. #3
    I could stop if I wanted to rkitect's Avatar
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    Default Re: New Construction phase versus Existing Construction phase

    The whole wall will be demolished eventually. As it exists, it is a screen wall for the A/C units outside, the whole screen wall will be knocked down to make room for an addition.

  4. #4
    Certified AUGI Addict patricks's Avatar
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    Default Re: New Construction phase versus Existing Construction phase

    So just set the wall to demolished in the New Construction phase. It should display correctly in a demolition view with the phase set to New Construction and the filter set to Show Previous + Demo.

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    Default Re: New Construction phase versus Existing Construction phase

    I am having a similar problem...In my case I have an existing wall showing an infill element for a door that is not created until the next phase. I have only existing and new phases set up. The wall is on the existing phase, the door on the new construction phase, but in the existing plan - Phase set to existing, filter set to Show Complete, I see a break in the wall where the door will be. What is going on? I have other locations where existing walls are wrapping around what will be new walls instead of the new around the existing...

    See attached for an example...
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  6. #6
    Certified AUGI Addict patricks's Avatar
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    Default Re: New Construction phase versus Existing Construction phase

    That piece you see is just the portion that gets demolished in order for the new door to be put there. You always see the individual pieces in all phases if inserts are going in walls on different phases. You can join or unjoin geometry on those pieces, but I typically unjoin them so that I can dimension to the ends of the piece to be demolished on my demolition plan.

    I'm assuming that 3D view is an existing view, right?

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    Default Re: New Construction phase versus Existing Construction phase

    Yes, the view is existing. My problem lies in two areas, first, I have the wall properties set to wrap at the inserts - so that the brick is shown correctly on the new plan. At the location shown, on the existing floor plan, I now see brick wrapping back into the middle of the wall where the future door will be. Trying to generate a view of the existing plan for comparison / display purposes becomes impossible, because I don't get a true view of the existing. I get a view of the existing with the future changes partially indicated.

    The second problem is that I still have existing walls that wrap the future walls before the future walls are created. The existing views are all messed up with walls showing big gaps and holes where future changes will be made. I want an accurate depiction of the existing prior to demolition, i.e. without showing future changes. No matter what changes I make to phases, phase filters, or graphic overrides, I cannot get it to display correctly.

    I have created existing views in prior versions of Revit on prior projects, but since we switched to 2010, I am getting all sorts of grief in this area. No one in our office seems to be able to figure it out...what are we missing?

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    Default Re: New Construction phase versus Existing Construction phase

    FYI, I am able to "fix" the problems with the existing vs. new walls by either re-drawing the new wall or adjusting its extents such that it does not intersect the existing and then pull it back into place...weird.
    The original project was created in 2009 and brought into 2010. I note that the problem areas between existing and new walls were all created in the 2009 version. I wonder if there was something that 2010 does not like about what I created in the earlier version...

    The infill for the future door still occurs on the existing plans, but I have been able to turn off the brick return by setting the "wrapping at ends" parameter to "none".

  9. #9
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: New Construction phase versus Existing Construction phase

    I'm always struggling with phases for the same reasons. Sometimes I feel like it's best to copy the existing, demolish the lot and paste into the proposed. We don't need demo plans in our projects because they're small jobs and it's sufficient to just have existing and proposed. It solves all of the problems but is totally against BIM in principal and I imaging increases file size dramatically.

    However, I believe there is sense in that idea if used with moderation. If anything is affected by new work, just copy, demo and paste to proposed. It makes things more predictable although all of this could be easier if disallow join could be toggled before placement or Revit acknowleged seperate join conditions for objects in different phases like design options.

    I believe we must be responsible for learning and not blame our tools, it just takes time to adjust to a hammer that dodges nails!
    Last edited by; 2009-07-21 at 09:37 AM.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: New Construction phase versus Existing Construction phase

    Also try chaning your view filter to show complete in lieu of show all after you have changd the screen wall to demolished in new construction. This should also help. Hope it does.

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