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I have successfully done this a couple times using SQL Server Management Studio. I recommend this be done by someone familiar with SQL Server, preferably your DBA.
Stop SQL Server Service on the old server (You could detach all the Vault databases from the existing SQL Server, including and especially VaultKnowledgeMaster db, but stopping the service and copying is safer for your existing server's config) and copy the MDFs, LDFs and filestore to appropriate places on the new server. Attach the databases to the new SQL Server (already installed as AUTODESKVAULT instance per Advanced Configuration Guide for ADMS). Make sure you duplicate the file locations as they were on the old server (the db stores the filestore location). You can move them later if you want using the new ADMS. Install ADMS on the new server. The installation program should see the db files and configure accordingly.
It's been a while since I've done this and there may be some little gotchas I forgot about. Having a second machine makes it easier since you're not taking a risk with your production machine. Plan to do this on the weekend, though. Copying the filestore can take a while. And I ALWAYS run into some quirk that makes the whole process take longer than expected.
David Miller
Configuration Manager