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Thread: Anyone aware of an AIA standard regarding the use of Paperspace for Dims and Notes

  1. #1
    All AUGI, all the time gfreddog's Avatar
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    Question Anyone aware of an AIA standard regarding the use of Paperspace for Dims and Notes

    Might sound a bit naive or rookie but is anyone aware of an AIA standard regarding the use of Paper Space for Dims and Notes?

    Some architects we work with are asking for all notes and dims to be in Model Space and some are not. Is there a standard?


    Red Dog

    Happy Sowain

  2. #2
    AUGI Addict madcadder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone aware of an AIA standard regarding the use of Paperspace for Dims and Notes

    per "U.S. National CAD Standard 3.1"... blah, blah, blah

    There is not a standard as to model/paper space. It does talk about size, layer, scale, etc., but not space.
    As a matter of fact there is no mention of "modelspace", "model space", "paperspace", or "paper space" anywhere in the 960 pages.

    BUT... From the verbage I would vote for modelspace.

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    Default Re: Anyone aware of an AIA standard regarding the use of Paperspace for Dims and Notes

    I haven't seen a standard on this, but I do know that it is much easier and others will thank you for keeping notes, dimensions, etc in model space. That way when people start moving around viewports, or stretching/modifying drawing components, the notes and dimensions are moving with the viewports and object, not staying in place in paperspace, just my two cents!

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    Default Re: Anyone aware of an AIA standard regarding the use of Paperspace for Dims and Notes

    I would tend to agree with the previous post, that putting all your notes in model would work..and if you have muliple text types, i.e. dims, and can easily put each on their own layer, and easily freeze them. say for example when you have scaling involed. You could have text and dims on a 100 scale layer or 50 scale layer in model space and not have to worry about making the modifications in each paperspace tab. Time saver for sure.

  5. #5
    I could stop if I wanted to mom of 3's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone aware of an AIA standard regarding the use of Paperspace for Dims and Notes

    I third the dims in modelspace!!!!!!!!!! We do that. It makes it soooooo much easier if something has to move that you can move the dim with it.

  6. #6
    All AUGI, all the time gfreddog's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone aware of an AIA standard regarding the use of Paperspace for Dims and Notes

    I guess if we were only dealing with architectural details I would tend to agree.

    We create drawings that have architectural backgrounds but then our mounting, cabling, electrical, visual, and coverage pattern details all may need to be included on the very same drawing.

    And of course while some details are "room or rooms size" others apply to a Mic in a table or something even smaller.

    So the advanced capabilities of paperspace and viewports really speed things up and give us more options for layouts/details/ISO's etc.

    I see there really isn't a right or wrong on this....

    I was really researching this because our submittals, occasionally, are incorporated into an architect's drawing package and some of these architects request everything in model space and others don't care.

    So I was hoping there might be a standard to go by... oh well
    Thanks for all the great input... Pun intended

    Remember change your clocks... change your batteries
    The life the Smoke and CO detector saves may be your own!

    Stay safe;

    Red Dog

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