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Thread: Working windows with dual screens

  1. #1
    100 Club stephan.villeneuve's Avatar
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    Cool Working windows with dual screens

    First, the English version of this text was translated partly with “Google Translate”… I include also my original text, French version.


    A question was asked to me by a colleague which begins with "Revit Structural" product, new Autodesk product in our company.

    Is this possible with 2 active screens, while using Revit on the first, to move working windows (plan view, detail view, 3D view) on the second?

    I believe it is possible with the command bars, like with AutoCAD, but is this believes also the case with vues?

    It would be well in order to be able to optimize the workspace in Revit on the first screen while having access, on the second screen, at other active vues of the project.

    I would like a fast answer…



    Une question m'a été posée par un collègue de travail qui débute avec le produit Revit Structural, nouveau produit Autodesk dans notre entreprise.

    Est-ce possible avec 2 écrans actifs, tout en utilisant Revit sur le premier, de déplacer des fenêtres de travail (vue en plan, vue de détail, vue 3D) sur le deuxième?

    Je crois que c'est possible avec les barres de commandes dans, comme avec AutoCAD, mais est-ce aussi le cas avec des vues?

    Ce serait bien afin de pouvoir optimiser l'espace de travail dans Revit sur le premier écran tout en ayant accès, sur le second écran, à d'autres vues actives du projet.

    J'aimerais bien une réponse rapide...


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Working windows with dual screens

    I've tried this before as well. The only window that can "float" to the other screen (outside of the main program wrapper) is the Project Browser window. Every other window, toolbar or design bar must stay inside the main window. Also the toolbars must be in the top and the design bar must be on the left.

  3. #3
    100 Club stephan.villeneuve's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Working windows with dual screens

    Thank you very much for this answer which confirms this unfortunately one thought.

    This possibility of being able to move on a second screen of the "work plan view" would have been more than practical but…

    Thank you still.

  4. #4
    AUGI Addict madcadder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Working windows with dual screens

    With AutoCAD you can...

    If your monitors are running the same resolution stretch AutoCAD to both screens instead of "maximizing" it in one screen, when you "Window/Tile Vertically" it will locate one drawing on one screen and the other on the second.

    Should work the same for Revit, I would think.

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