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Thread: Profile Labels / Plan-Profile sheets.

  1. #1
    Member jbbarrus's Avatar
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    Question Profile Labels / Plan-Profile sheets.

    Ok, I have been asking a lot of questions and so far the help I have received has been great. There always seems to be some little thing that I have just missed.

    I guess I have several questions. First, how are people creating Plan and Profile sheets? I took a class from Imaginit and they recommended creating additional profile views with different station display and elevation ranges and then just copying the plan and profile sheet and adjusting the viewport accordingly. I have tried this and the problem I am having is getting the proposed centerline profile labels to work on all of my sheets. Meaning this, the default position for grade labels is the mid point of the tangent. If the tangent is too long the grade label is only shown on 1 of my profile views. When I create a new grade label style it changes the labels on all of my profile views, not just the one I select!! Arrrgggghh. This is making me crazy. Can I create individual labels for each section of the profile? I don't want to add plain text labels because that seems to defeat the whole purpose of the "automatic" Civil 3D labels.

    Thanks in advance. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    100 Club MMccall.83699's Avatar
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    Default Re: Profile Labels / Plan-Profile sheets.

    The grade labels will only show up in a given profile view if their anchor points fall within the station range for that view. The best solution I've been able to come up with for this situation is to add a PVI in the proposed profile at the break point from one profile view to another. This will break proposed profile into two tangent segments and each will get a grade label. If you want to get rid of this PVI label, you can do so by setting it's visibility to false.

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