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Thread: Edit attribute text across multiple layouts via the Attribute "prompt" value

  1. #1
    Active Member terryh's Avatar
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    Default Edit attribute text across multiple layouts via the Attribute "prompt" value

    I've looked through all the old posts and couldn't find an answer to this. I use multiple layout tabs, each with a titleblock. My revision text is atrributed in my titleblock. I would like to be able to edit the revision information on one page and have it automatically update itself on the other titleblock/layouts. I need it to be able to find the attribute according to the 'prompt' as there is no 'tag' text to begin with, so "find and replace" doesn't help. I'm using LT2006, where the field command doesn't exist. A simple lisp routine would be great.
    Last edited by terryh; 2007-02-01 at 06:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Administrator Opie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Edit attribute text across multiple layouts via the Attribute "prompt" value

    Quote Originally Posted by terryh
    I'm using LT2006, where the field command doesn't exist. A simple lisp routine would be great.
    Since LT does not support AutoLISP, a 3rd party software would be required to enable it.
    Without 3rd party software to enable AutoLISP on LT, creating a LISP routine would be a waste of time.
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  3. #3
    Active Member terryh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Edit attribute text across multiple layouts via the Attribute "prompt" value

    I forgot to mention I am running a lisp enabler.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Edit attribute text across multiple layouts via the Attribute "prompt" value

    The prompt is not really the way to you, you should have a tag. You can not create an attribute definition without a tag, I just tried, and it wouldn't let me. So you might need something like
    (setq ss (ssget "x" '((0 . "INSERT") (2 . "NameOfBlock"))))
    (while (setq Ent (ssname ss 0))
     (setq tempEnt Ent)
       (setq tempEnt (entnext tempEnt))
       (setq EntData (entget tempEnt))
       (= (cdr (assoc 0 EntData)) "ATTRIB")
      (if (= (cdr (assoc 2 EntData)) "NameOfTagHere")
       (entmod (subst (cons 1 "YourNewValueHere") (assoc 1 EntData) EntData))
      (entupd Ent)
      (ssdel Ent ss)
    Be sure to enter your values where I say to in the code.

  5. #5
    Active Member terryh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Edit attribute text across multiple layouts via the Attribute "prompt" value

    The text that I want to change do have tags, but they're shown as a single dash '-' (the one next to zero on the keyboard) to show that there is an attribute there, but the text isn't filled out yet. On my titleblock I have numerous attributes. Some have their tags filled out and some are revisions, which get filled out as the job progresses. It's these attributes that I'm trying to have filled out across all of my layouts. Is that clear?

    Attached is a titleblock which will hopefully clarify what I'm saying.
    In the ISSUE boxes, I have room for 4 revisions. In the top right box is 'ISSUE NUMBER 1' prompt, next to it is 'ISSUE DESCRIPTION 1' and so on. I want a lisp that finds the prompt text (e.g ISSUE NUMBER 1 and replace it with whatever I input).
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #6
    Administrator Opie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Edit attribute text across multiple layouts via the Attribute "prompt" value

    Just to clarify, you want the prompt changed or the value of the attribute changed?
    If you have a technical question, please find the appropriate forum and ask it there.
    You will get a quicker response from your fellow AUGI members than if you sent it to me via a PM or email.

  7. #7
    Active Member terryh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Edit attribute text across multiple layouts via the Attribute "prompt" value

    I want the 'value of the attribute' changed by looking for the value of the prompt.
    It's like find and replace, except with a slight tweak. With F&R it looks for text strings already there. The problem I have, is that I don't want to see any text in the revision area on my titleblock until further down the track, so the only way I can locate it is using the prompt value.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Edit attribute text across multiple layouts via the Attribute "prompt" value

    If you haven't started using the title block yet, then I would assign unique tag strings to all the attributes. I don't see how to do what you want to do. Usually you search a block, and find the tag you want, then update the value from there. The prompt is not saved with attribute once it's inserted. I don't know how to find the prompt for an attribute when you don't know the tag, and it's not unique. I will look a little more.

    I know one way, but I wouldn't want to use it. The way I'm thinking of is getting the list of attributes from the blocks definition, count each one, and then when you find the prompt you are looking for save that number, then step through the block to the same depth, and change that attributes value.
    Last edited by T.Willey; 2007-02-02 at 12:18 AM.

  9. #9
    Active Member terryh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Edit attribute text across multiple layouts via the Attribute "prompt" value

    I'm suprised nobody has said BATTMAN as a suggestion. This is as close as I have found an answer but it's a bit fiddly having to scroll through the lines of attributes to find the one I need, then having to scroll down for each and every one I want to change. I've got the attribute manager as part of my lisp enabler tool. Maybe it's the only way I can acheive what I'm wanting to do. Maybe a dialogue box (with dropdowns) created for just this purpose?

    Only problem is that BATTMAN is just a manager, not a tool to edit the text in a current drawing.
    Last edited by terryh; 2007-02-02 at 04:54 AM.

  10. #10
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: Edit attribute text across multiple layouts via the Attribute "prompt" value

    How about opening the original tittle block drawing, editing the attribute defaults to unigue values, then redefine the blocks using the insert command in the drawing in question. Then find should work well.

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