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Thread: Moving Text Objects relative to base point as other Objects are moved / scaled

  1. #1
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Moving Text Objects relative to base point as other Objects are moved / scaled

    For all the Dynamic blocks that i have built and all the possible ones that have have yet to build there is one huge thing that I can not figure out.
    When I have a block lets say a detail box and i want to have the lower right hand corner be my base point and then have text in the upper left corner, how can i resize the box and have the text also move with it. I have tried using a move parameter but it still does not want to work. I have also tried setting it up with a visibility parameter but then i will end up with multiple strings of text.

  2. #2
    The Silent Type Mike.Perry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Moving Text Objects relative to base point as other Objects are moved / scaled

    Hi Will

    Please note I have *moved* this thread from the AutoCAD 2007 General forum to this one, as I feel this particular forum is a more appropriate place for such a topic.

    Thanks, Mike

    Forum Manager

  3. #3
    Retired Forum Staff Chris.N's Avatar
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    Default Re: Moving Text Objects relative to base point as other Objects are moved / scaled

    Quote Originally Posted by troeakwj
    For all the Dynamic blocks that i have built and all the possible ones that have have yet to build there is one huge thing that I can not figure out.
    When I have a block lets say a detail box and i want to have the lower right hand corner be my base point and then have text in the upper left corner, how can i resize the box and have the text also move with it. I have tried using a move parameter but it still does not want to work. I have also tried setting it up with a visibility parameter but then i will end up with multiple strings of text.
    sounds like you want Mtext in a box? Sorry, but it won't happen in a 'true' DB. I've done something similar tho, created a block that's exploded upon insertion that has a DB box (w/ one grip for stretching the corner thats opp. the text base) around an Mtext entity. It works pretty slick. I can post the note box when i get to work... if i remember...
    Sometimes, i get lost in my own thoughts and need to ask directions to find my way back.
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  4. #4
    Administrator Opie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Moving Text Objects relative to base point as other Objects are moved / scaled

    Could you post a sample of what you are trying to do? Is the text supposed to be editable?
    If you have a technical question, please find the appropriate forum and ask it there.
    You will get a quicker response from your fellow AUGI members than if you sent it to me via a PM or email.

  5. #5
    AUGI Addict .chad's Avatar
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    Default Re: Moving Text Objects relative to base point as other Objects are moved / scaled

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris.N
    sounds like you want Mtext in a box? Sorry, but it won't happen in a 'true' DB.
    someone posted a way to do that a while back. the text sat in a rectangle that adjusted itself according to the text. im not sure if it was in tips & tricks or hot news, or somewhere else though.

  6. #6
    100 Club r424andy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Moving Text Objects relative to base point as other Objects are moved / scaled

    here is a simple version of what he seemed to be looking for (if you take a literal interpatation of his question)
    Attached Files Attached Files

  7. #7
    AUGI Addict Mr Cory's Avatar
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    Default Re: Moving Text Objects relative to base point as other Objects are moved / scaled

    Why not use a table that has 1 row and 1 column, the box is asso to the text

  8. #8
    Retired Forum Staff Chris.N's Avatar
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    Default Re: Moving Text Objects relative to base point as other Objects are moved / scaled

    Quote Originally Posted by coryv
    Why not use a table that has 1 row and 1 column, the box is asso to the text
    can the, is the text MTEXT type?
    Sometimes, i get lost in my own thoughts and need to ask directions to find my way back.
    S&D DB Sharing Forum

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