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Thread: Changing block entities' color to bylayer

  1. #1
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Changing block entities' color to bylayer

    Hi, does any one know if there is a lisp routine that will redefine all blocks in a drawing, making it's nested object's properties bylayer?


    Carlos Sifuentes

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Changing block entities' color to bylayer

    REFEDIT will do this, only you will be required to
    edit each different block in the drawing.
    So for each 'chair' block and for each 'desk' block
    you will need to REFEDIT them seperately.

  3. #3
    The Silent Type Mike.Perry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Changing block entities' color to bylayer


    The following comes from an old LISP Guild post by Peter Jamtgaard -

      (setq ESEL (entsel "\nSelect block: ")
     ENAM (car ESEL)
     ELST (entget ENAM)
     BNAM (cdr (assoc 2 ELST))
     FLST nil
      (fix1 BNAM)
      (vl-cmdf "regen")
    (defun FIX1 (BNAM / BENAM)
      (if (not (member BNAM FLST))
    	  (setq FLST  (cons BNAM FLST)
    	 BENAM (tblobjname "block" BNAM)
    	  (while (setq BENAM (entnext BENAM))
     (print (entget BENAM))
     (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget BENAM))) "INSERT")
       (fix1 (cdr (assoc 2 (entget BENAM))))
       (vla-put-color (vlax-ename->vla-object BENAM) 256)
    The following comes from an old LISP Guild post by Ed Jobe -

    I have a vba macro on the Exchange. It doesn't do blocks though. I just wrote another one to do blocks. I know they're not lisp, but they're free.

    Public Sub BlockEntsByLayer()
    	Dim oBlk As AcadBlock
    	Dim oBlk1 As AcadBlock
    	Dim oBlkRef As AcadBlockReference
    	Dim oBlkRef1 As AcadBlockReference
    	Dim oEnt As AcadEntity
    	Dim oEnt1 As AcadEntity
    	Dim ss As AcadSelectionSet
    	Set ss = toolbox.ejSelectionSets.GetSS_BlockFilter
    	For Each oBlkRef In ss
    		Set oBlk = ThisDrawing.Blocks(oBlkRef.Name)
    		If Not oBlk.IsXRef Then
    			For Each oEnt In oBlk
    				If TypeOf oEnt Is AcadBlockReference Then
    					Set oBlkRef1 = oEnt
    					Set oBlk1 = ThisDrawing.Blocks(oBlkRef1.Name)
    					For Each oEnt1 In oBlk1
    						With oEnt1
    							If Not ThisDrawing.Layers(.Layer).Lock Then
    								.Layer = "0"
    								.Color = acByLayer
    							End If
    						End With
    					Next oEnt1
    					With oEnt
    						If Not ThisDrawing.Layers(.Layer).Lock Then
    							.Layer = "0"
    							.Color = acByLayer
    						End If
    					End With
    				End If
    			Next oEnt
    		End If
    	Next oBlkRef
    	ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports
    End Sub
    Have a good one, Mike
    Last edited by Mike.Perry; 2004-11-05 at 10:43 AM. Reason: Correct code formatting.

  4. #4
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: Changing block entities' color to bylayer


    check out the fixblock.lsp

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Changing block entities' color to bylayer

    I spend way too much time using refedit...but it's been a godsend.

  6. #6
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: Changing block entities' color to bylayer

    Thanks every body,


  7. #7
    The Silent Type Mike.Perry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Changing block entities' color to bylayer

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike.Perry
    The following comes from an old LISP Guild post by Ed Jobe -

    I have a vba macro on the Exchange. It doesn't do blocks though. I just wrote another one to do blocks. I know they're not lisp, but they're free.

    Public Sub BlockEntsByLayer()
    	Dim oBlk As AcadBlock
    	Dim oBlk1 As AcadBlock
    	Dim oBlkRef As AcadBlockReference
    	Dim oBlkRef1 As AcadBlockReference
    	Dim oEnt As AcadEntity
    	Dim oEnt1 As AcadEntity
    	Dim ss As AcadSelectionSet
    	Set ss = toolbox.ejSelectionSets.GetSS_BlockFilter
    	For Each oBlkRef In ss
    		Set oBlk = ThisDrawing.Blocks(oBlkRef.Name)
    		If Not oBlk.IsXRef Then
    			For Each oEnt In oBlk
    				If TypeOf oEnt Is AcadBlockReference Then
    					Set oBlkRef1 = oEnt
    					Set oBlk1 = ThisDrawing.Blocks(oBlkRef1.Name)
    					For Each oEnt1 In oBlk1
    						With oEnt1
    							If Not ThisDrawing.Layers(.Layer).Lock Then
    								.Layer = "0"
    								.Color = acByLayer
    							End If
    						End With
    					Next oEnt1
    					With oEnt
    						If Not ThisDrawing.Layers(.Layer).Lock Then
    							.Layer = "0"
    							.Color = acByLayer
    						End If
    					End With
    				End If
    			Next oEnt
    		End If
    	Next oBlkRef
    	ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports
    End Sub
    Hi Ed

    Any chance you could post the relevant VBA Toolbox function or revise the code to have the ability to pick Block Objects?

    Thanks, Mike

  8. #8
    Administrator Ed Jobe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Changing block entities' color to bylayer

    Actually, I was working on this just yesterday. I noticed that it didn't update the block's BlockBegin and BlockEnd objects. Here is the update and subroutines. Also note that this not only sets color to ByLayer, but sets the layer to "0". Also note that, in order for the Pickfirst selectionset to be recognized, this macro must not be run using VBARUN. You either have to use (vla-runmacro) or the RunMacro method of the application object.

    You will also need VLAX.cls. Unzip, save, and import into your dvb.

    Public Sub BlockEntsByLayer()
        Dim oBlk As AcadBlock
        Dim oBlk1 As AcadBlock
        Dim oBlkRef As AcadBlockReference
        Dim oBlkRef1 As AcadBlockReference
        Dim oEnt As AcadEntity
        Dim oEnt1 As AcadEntity
        Dim ss As AcadSelectionSet
        Dim SeqEnd As AcadEntity
        Dim blkent As AcadObject
        Dim EntArray As Variant
        Dim HasSEQE As Boolean
        Set ss = GetSS_BlockFilter
        For Each oBlkRef In ss
            Set oBlk = ThisDrawing.Blocks(oBlkRef.Name)
            If Not oBlk.IsXRef Then
                'process BlockBegin and BlockEnd
                HasSEQE = GetSeqEnd(oBlk, EntArray)
                If HasSEQE = True Then
                    Set oEnt = EntArray(0)
                    oEnt.Layer = "0"
                    Set oEnt = EntArray(1)
                    oEnt.Layer = "0"
                End If
                For Each oEnt In oBlk
                    Set blkent = oBlk
                    'process sub ents
                    If TypeOf oEnt Is AcadBlockReference Then
                        Set oBlkRef1 = oEnt
                        Set oBlk1 = ThisDrawing.Blocks(oBlkRef1.Name)
                        For Each oEnt1 In oBlk1
                            With oEnt1
                                If Not ThisDrawing.Layers(.Layer).Lock Then
                                    .Layer = "0"
                                    .Color = acByLayer
                                End If
                            End With
                        Next oEnt1
                        With oEnt
                            If Not ThisDrawing.Layers(.Layer).Lock Then
                                .Layer = "0"
                                .Color = acByLayer
                            End If
                        End With
                    End If
                Next oEnt
            End If
        Next oBlkRef
        ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports
    End Sub
    Public Sub AddSelectionSet(ss As AcadSelectionSet, SetName As String)
        ' This routine does the error trapping neccessary for when you want to create a
        ' selectin set. It takes the set and the proposed name and either adds it to the selectionsets
        ' collection or sets it.
        On Error Resume Next
        Set ss = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add(SetName)
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            Set ss = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item(SetName)
        End If
    End Sub
    Public Function GetSS_BlockFilter() As AcadSelectionSet
        'creates an ss of Blocks only
        Dim s1 As AcadSelectionSet
        Dim objEnts(0) As AcadEntity
        Dim oEnt As AcadEntity
        Dim lispCode As VLAX
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim intFtyp(0) As Integer                       ' setup for the filter
        Dim varFval(0) As Variant
        Dim varFilter1, varFilter2 As Variant
        intFtyp(0) = 0: varFval(0) = "INSERT"           ' get only blocks
        varFilter1 = intFtyp: varFilter2 = varFval
        'check for PickFirst selection set
        Set s1 = ThisDrawing.PickfirstSelectionSet
        If s1.Count > 0 Then
            Set lispCode = Toolbox.CreateVLAXClass
            'create a working ss in lisp environment
            lispCode.EvalLispExpression "(setq ss (ssadd))"
            For Each oEnt In s1
                'transfer only blocks to the lisp ss
                'here's where the filtering is done
                If TypeOf oEnt Is AcadBlockReference Then
                    lispCode.EvalLispExpression "(ssadd " & _
                                                "(handent " & Chr(34) & _
                                                oEnt.Handle & Chr(34) & ")" & _
                                                "ss" & _
                End If
            Next oEnt
            'clear orig pfss of ents, may contain other than text
            'set the pfss to the now filtered lisp ss
            lispCode.EvalLispExpression "(sssetfirst nil ss)"
            lispCode.EvalLispExpression "(setq ss nil)"
            'transfer to a named ss and then deselect the pfss
            AddSelectionSet s1, "ssBlockFilter"
            Set s1 = ThisDrawing.PickfirstSelectionSet
            lispCode.EvalLispExpression "(sssetfirst nil)"
            Set lispCode = Nothing
            AddSelectionSet s1, "ssBlockFilter"             ' create or get the set
            s1.Clear                                        ' clear the set
            s1.SelectOnScreen varFilter1, varFilter2        ' do it
        End If
        Set GetSS_BlockFilter = s1
    End Function
    Public Function GetSeqEnd(objBlock As AcadBlock, EntArray As Variant) As Boolean
        On Error GoTo Err_Control
        'Returns True if BlockBegin or BlockEnd entities are found
        'and returns them in the supplied array, a 2d array of AcadEnity.
        Dim objSeqEnd As AcadEntity
        Dim arySeqEnd(1) As AcadEntity
        Dim strIHex As String
        Dim strHandle As String
        Dim strLeftHex As String
        Dim strOwner As String
        strHandle = objBlock.Handle
        strLeftHex = Left(strHandle, Len(strHandle) - 2)
        strIHex = "&H" & Right(objBlock.Handle, 2)
            strIHex = strIHex + 1
            Set objSeqEnd = _
            ThisDrawing.HandleToObject(strLeftHex & Hex(strIHex))
            strOwner = objSeqEnd.OwnerID
            If objSeqEnd.ObjectName = "AcDbBlockBegin" Then
                Set arySeqEnd(0) = objSeqEnd
                GetSeqEnd = True
            End If
            If objSeqEnd.ObjectName = "AcDbBlockEnd" Then
                Set arySeqEnd(1) = objSeqEnd
                GetSeqEnd = True
                Exit Do
            End If
        'Keep the loop from exceeding the reference members
        Loop Until strOwner <> objBlock.ObjectID
        If GetSeqEnd = True Then EntArray = arySeqEnd
        Exit Function
        Select Case Err.Number
        Case -2145386484
            'Not a valid handle.
            'This could be an older block that doesn't
            'follow the pattern of BlockBegin's handle
            'starting at 1 above the block handle.
            'Continue the loop until you find it.
            'BlockEnd should still be 1 above BlockBegin.
            Resume ContLoop
        Case Else
            MsgBox Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description, , "GetSeqEnd"
            Resume Exit_Here
        End Select
    End Function
    Last edited by Ed Jobe; 2004-11-11 at 12:20 AM.
    C:> ED WORKING....


  9. #9
    The Silent Type Mike.Perry's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Changing block entities' color to bylayer

    Hi Ed

    Thanks, will give it a go later tonight or sometime over the weekend.


  10. #10
    The Silent Type Mike.Perry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Changing block entities' color to bylayer

    Quote Originally Posted by eljobe
    Actually, I was working on this just yesterday. I noticed that it didn't update the block's BlockBegin and BlockEnd objects. Here is the update and subroutines. Also note that this not only sets color to ByLayer, but sets the layer to "0". Also note that, in order for the Pickfirst selectionset to be recognized, this macro must not be run using VBARUN. You either have to use (vla-runmacro) or the RunMacro method of the application object.

    Public Function GetSS_BlockFilter() As AcadSelectionSet
        'creates an ss of Blocks only
        Dim s1 As AcadSelectionSet
        Dim objEnts(0) As AcadEntity
        Dim oEnt As AcadEntity
        Dim lispCode As Toolbox.VLAX
    Hi Ed

    Am I correct in the use of (vla-RunMacro) -

    (vla-RunMacro (vlax-Get-Acad-Object) "BlockEntsByLayer")

    If yes, I get a "Compile Error: User-defined type not defined" message.

    If no, could you please explain it's correct use.

    Can you also please explain in simple English so even I can understand "RunMacro method of the application object".

    Last edited by Mike.Perry; 2004-11-06 at 01:01 AM. Reason: Correct poor grammar.

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