Want to have acces to revit design options in a 3d dwf, this also influences the export to 3d studio max, where we also want to have acces to revit design options: this seems to be an issue with the 3d export from revit to dwg? Example: we use revit in repetitive housing projects, the base model of a house is the same, but every buyer can make adjustments to their own house. In my opinion, there should be a hierarchical 3d block export like:
block_house1 (root)(for instance this is the revit file name)
...block_common_buildingelements (child_level1)
......all common drawing objects go in here
...block_buildingelements_option1 (child)
......all option1 drawing objects go in here
...block_buildingelements_optionx (child)
......all optionx drawing objects go in here
In this case, you can acces drawing options in a 3d dwg or dwf in max, autocad, and design review by setting layers / blocks on and of. It would be nice to have an extra interface in design review navigator to set design options on and off, and store those settings.
At this moment, we have to make a seperate export for every combination of design options -> import in max -> assign materials -> etc. , a lot of work that can be done in 1 step instead of a lot more steps.
For your information, I am talking about hundreds of design options, not 3!