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Thread: Is possible to select entities from a selection set obtained by using ssget command?

  1. #1
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    Default Is possible to select entities from a selection set obtained by using ssget command?

    hi i would like to know if it is possible to select entities from a selection set obtained by using ssget command, and process the entities for point coordinates (eg center point of circle square, extreme points of a square or end points of a line). thank you.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Is possible to select entities from a selection set obtained by using ssget command?

    Quote Originally Posted by tany0070
    hi i would like to know if it is possible to select entities from a selection set obtained by using ssget command, and process the entities for point coordinates (eg center point of circle square, extreme points of a square or end points of a line). thank you.

    Try the following code. This will select all the circles in a drawing and draw a line.

    (defun c:fc (/ circles numCircle cenCircle radCircle count cEnt LineStPt LineEdPt)
    (setq circles (ssget "x" '((0 . "Circle")))) ; select all the circles
    (if circles ; if circles found
    	 (setq numCircle (sslength circles) ; total number of circles in the selection
    	 count	 0 ; initiate a counter
    	 (repeat numCircle
    (setq cEnt (entget (ssname circles count))) ; entity data
    (setq cenCircle (cdr (assoc 10 cEnt))) ; center of the circle
    (setq radCircle (cdr (assoc 40 cEnt))) ; radius of the circle
    (setq LineStPt (polar cenCircle (dtr 180) radCircle); determine start point of a line
    	 LineEdPt (polar cenCircle (dtr 0) radCircle); end point of the line
    	 '(0 . "LINE")
    	 '(100 . "AcDbLine")
    	 (cons 10 LineStPt)
    	 (cons 11 LineEdPt)
    )	; draw the line
    (setq count (1+ count)) ; do for the next circle
    	 )	 ; end of repeat
    	)	 ; progn
    )	 ; if
    	 ; function to covert degree to radian angle
    (defun dtr (a)
    (* pi (/ a 180))
    Similar for all the entities, but have a look at entities group codes.


    Abdul Huck

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