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Thread: Scaling the same Modelspace Objects at different scales in Paperspace

  1. #1
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    Default Scaling the same Modelspace Objects at different scales in Paperspace

    I have a lot of objects in my global layout ( a big building with electricity, fire-prot. ... etc.), witch is why the drawn objects are rather small .
    Some splited layouts end up as a big building drawing with only a few small objects.
    So I'm looking for a way to scale them in the layoutview without drawing them all over again. This means the same element small in one layout but big in an another same sized layout.

    I don't know if it is possible but if there is a way please let me know.


  2. #2
    ATP Manager CADKitty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scaling the same Modelspace Objects at different scales in Paperspace

    So you have everything drawn in model space, correct? Is it set up to a certain scale (1/8", 1/4") or 1:1? If you have blocks not scaling up in scaled viewports, are your blocks set to be relative to the drawing scale?
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Scaling the same Modelspace Objects at different scales in Paperspace

    Everything drawn in model space 1:1 including a building Xref.
    But what I realy want to do is; starting from the same model
    - create a layout
    - and create another layout identical to the first one but with some elements in a larger scale in their exact position.

    It would be handy for our security people. That way all the required information can be printed on a A3 sheet instead of a big unhandy A0.

    Thanks for the quick responce. paul

  4. #4
    ATP Manager CADKitty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scaling the same Modelspace Objects at different scales in Paperspace

    Quote Originally Posted by paul.vanvlasselaer
    Everything drawn in model space 1:1 including a building Xref.
    But what I realy want to do is; starting from the same model
    - create a layout
    - and create another layout identical to the first one but with some elements in a larger scale in their exact position.

    It would be handy for our security people. That way all the required information can be printed on a A3 sheet instead of a big unhandy A0.

    Thanks for the quick responce. paul
    Ahhh...hmm...around here we have to scale the blocks up in model space to get them to come out right (we do a lot of enlarged plans). Is this plan going to be changing often still? When we do our enlarged plans we'll actually put the different scaled things on a different layer. Mind you, if your stuff is going to keep changing, that's gonna be a royal pain.
    I drink coffee for your protection.

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Scaling the same Modelspace Objects at different scales in Paperspace

    Propably be changing very often.
    I'll think it over in the weekend.

    Hoping for a AHA grz.

  6. #6
    Certified AUGI Addict jaberwok's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scaling the same Modelspace Objects at different scales in Paperspace

    I assume these objects are symbols, not geometry that looks like the actual objects?

    In that case, CADKitty's suggestion of duplicate symbols on a separate layer is probably the best.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Scaling the same Modelspace Objects at different scales in Paperspace

    if the symbols are blocks then I suppose it would be possible to have small and large scale symbol in the same block but on different layers, then turn the layers off as required in each viewport, still a bit longwinded though.

    Edit: Actually I think I've said the same thing as Kitty

  8. #8
    Active Member Cadtharsis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scaling the same Modelspace Objects at different scales in Paperspace

    Certainly sounds like the smoothest way. Should be easy enough to make changes once it's set up.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Scaling the same Modelspace Objects at different scales in Paperspace

    Seems promising

  10. #10
    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Red face Re: Scaling the same Modelspace Objects at different scales in Paperspace

    If those symbols are blocks, another suggestion would be to create an xref base of just the symbols, scaled accordingly.

    Then "save as" to a seperate xref base for the different scale in which you do a global scale change of all the blocks through the properties dialog.

    Then, as things change and move, modify the main symbols xref base, and then save over the other one and repeat the global scale thing.

    That way you're only dealing with one set of blocks and just changing the scales on the other symbol base.

    Just a thought.

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