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Thread: Annotate object data/labeling

  1. #1
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    Default Annotate object data/labeling


    I spent alot of time at this but i can't figure it out.

    I'm working with AutoCad MAP 3d 2006 and I have a Roadmap (polylines) with Object Data. The object data contains road numbers and I want to add those numbers to the polylines, at the beginning and end. Inserting the data isn't the problem because the annmaptemplate command can do that, but the road numbers are overriding each other at crossroads and it becomes a mess, now I was wondering if I could auto-rotate the numbers to the polyline, so i tried adding an align parameter but it doesn't insert the block at that rotation point. I was wondering if somebody could help me with this problem.
    Or maybe there's another option to insert the road numbers, I'll welcome all suggestions

    The picture included is a sample of the product I want to create.

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    Last edited by spy.zefiris; 2007-04-03 at 09:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Geospatial Moderator Jmurphy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Annotate object data/labeling

    For aligning the label you can use the angle property ".angle" in the anno template for the rotation, click on the icon with the three dots and select the properly> angle in the expression builder. To keep the labels from overlapping you need to adjust the rustication and the insertion point for the text. You may also need to have two anno templates with different insertion points, one for the start point at 1,1 and one for the end point at -1,1 for example.

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    Default Re: Annotate object data/labeling

    thank you very much, it works okay, the problem now is; if i want to change the template and go to the dynamic block editor I can only change it once, when I want to change it again it doesn't update (like text options or a new insertion point).
    I tried -template refresh and/or update but doesn't work, the only way seems to recreate the template and insert it again.
    Is there are solution for this?
    Last edited by spy.zefiris; 2007-04-05 at 09:00 AM.

  4. #4
    Geospatial Moderator Jmurphy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Annotate object data/labeling

    Quote Originally Posted by spy.zefiris
    thank you very much, it works okay, the problem now is; if i want to change the template and go to the dynamic block editor I can only change it once, when I want to change it again it doesn't update (like text options or a new insertion point).
    I tried -template refresh and/or update but doesn't work, the only way seems to recreate the template and insert it again.
    Is there are solution for this?
    You can edit the template more than once unless you have a bad install. Are you using the annotation tools to edit it or using bedit (block editor)? Just because it open in the block editor doesn't mean you should use that command to edit it.

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    Default Re: Annotate object data/labeling

    Quote Originally Posted by Jmurphy
    You can edit the template more than once unless you have a bad install. Are you using the annotation tools to edit it or using bedit (block editor)? Just because it open in the block editor doesn't mean you should use that command to edit it.
    I'm using the annotation tools to edit it.
    Define annotation template: select template;
    Edit template Contents
    Edit annotation text -> Ok
    it changes the text size in the editor.

    and I can change the basepoint parameter in the editor.
    Close block editor -> Yes. (or save it first and then close, makes no diff.)

    Define annotation template -> apply -> Ok
    Refresh annotation template -> Ok
    and nothing happens.

    This does work for the first time... but when i change it again nothing happens.
    any idea?
    Last edited by spy.zefiris; 2007-04-05 at 12:11 PM.

  6. #6
    Geospatial Moderator Jmurphy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Annotate object data/labeling

    Quote Originally Posted by spy.zefiris
    I'm using the annotation tools to edit it.
    and I can change the basepoint parameter in the editor.
    Close block editor -> Yes. (or save it first and then close, makes no diff.)
    any idea?
    MHO Do not use the block editor tools to change the base point, when you need to edit the template it will open in the block editor but select the "Edit Annotation Text" button on the two bar. Select the text, either adjust the text in the "Annotation Text" dialog or OK there and pick a new insertion point. Using the base point parameter or some of the other dyn blocks parameter may work but they were not meant to be used with the annotation blocks.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Annotate object data/labeling

    You are trying to change the basepoint parameter of an annotation block in AutoCAD, but are running into issues with the block not updating correctly. Here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try.Annotate object data labeling

    Make sure that the "Allow Exploding" option is turned on for the annotation block. To do this, select the block and open the Properties palette (type "PROPERTIES" into the command line). Look for the "Allow Exploding" option and make sure it is set to "Yes". This will allow you to explode the block and edit individual components.

    Try exploding the annotation block and re-creating it with the desired basepoint. To explode the block, select it and type "X" into the command line. Then, re-create the annotation using the MTEXT or TEXT command, making sure to set the basepoint to the desired location. Once you have created the new annotation, you can turn it into a block again by selecting it and typing "B" into the command line.

    If the above steps don't work, try using a different annotation tool or method. For example, you could use the "Multileader" tool to add text with an arrow pointing to the desired location. To do this, select the "Multileader" tool from the Annotate panel, click on the location where you want the arrow to start, and then drag the arrow to the desired endpoint. Enter the text you want to add, and then use the grips to adjust the position and angle of the arrow as needed.

    Muhammed Riza
    Subul - Impact Outsourcing Agency

  8. #8
    Administrator Ed Jobe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Annotate object data/labeling

    I wouldn’t explode and recreate the block. Use the BEDIT command to edit the block. Then run the BASE command to relocate the origin.
    C:> ED WORKING....


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