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Thread: Setting up Fields within drawing title block and linking to Sheet Set Manager

  1. #1
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    Default Setting up Fields within drawing title block and linking to Sheet Set Manager

    I am starting at ground zero trying to get my new company set up to use the sheet set manager. I am familiar with the use of the sheet set manager, but not the behind-the-scenes part of setting up the sheet set manager with a custom title block, fields, etc. I am going crazy trying to find information online about how to take a drawing of my company's title block, save it as a drawing template, and add fields. The concept is there, but the massive field menus with no explanation are killing me. Does anyone have time to help explain how this works, or at least point me an informative link? I've tried this but it's so cryptic. I can successfully create a sheet set and have the title block show up, but the fields won't update with project specific information.


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    All AUGI, all the time SRBalliet's Avatar
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    Default Re: Setting up Fields within drawing title block and linking to Sheet Set Manager

    Welcome to AUGI!

    Where is the "project specific information" you are trying to have show up in the fields?

  3. #3
    Retired Forum Staff Chris.N's Avatar
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    Default Re: Setting up Fields within drawing title block and linking to Sheet Set Manager

    Quote Originally Posted by levans.138199
    I am starting at ground zero trying to get my new company set up to use the sheet set manager. I am familiar with the use of the sheet set manager, but not the behind-the-scenes part of setting up the sheet set manager with a custom title block, fields, etc. I am going crazy trying to find information online about how to take a drawing of my company's title block, save it as a drawing template, and add fields. The concept is there, but the massive field menus with no explanation are killing me. Does anyone have time to help explain how this works, or at least point me an informative link? I've tried this but it's so cryptic. I can successfully create a sheet set and have the title block show up, but the fields won't update with project specific information.

    this sounds backwards, but inside an active SSM project, edit your attributes thru the 'in place block editor'. all your custom sheet set stuff will show up when adding fields. once done, save it over your original block file. then, unless you're in a SSM project, all the fields will be "####" when opened for editing.
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  4. #4
    100 Club KansasCAD's Avatar
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    Arrow Re: Setting up Fields within drawing title block and linking to Sheet Set Manager


    Hey, don't feel bad. It took me quite awhile to get things figured out, and I am still learning. I am attaching a zip file with one of our title blocks and a template for starting sheet sets. It sounds like you want the same kind of stuff we did. Use an existing titleblock and make it smart. I know the info will be different, but I think seeing how one works might help.

    Start a new drawing and insert the titleblock I attached and place it in a layout tab. (Do not explode it). Save the drawing. Open sheet manager, select new sheet set from the drop down, from "An example sheet set, next, select the template that I sent you, (It needs to be in your template folder or you need to browse to it), name it, describe it, pick a place to store it, next, Finish.

    Now from the sheet set manager right click on any of the headings. The top should be the name you gave it, the other two are subsets that we use. Pick "Import layout as sheet", and go select the drawing you just saved. It should now show up in your list. Right click on that sheet, and select properties. These are some of the items that you can fill in on my title sheet. (Page number, etc.)
    You need to right click on the name of your sheet set and select properties to set the items that pertain to the whole project. (Project number and name.) The bottom has two "custom" fields that I made up. (Fiscal Year and total sheets).
    Make your changes and then pick ok.
    If you right click on you drawing and get into "options", go to the "user preferences" tab, and select "Field Update Settings..." you can select which of those things you want to make the fields update. I have them all checked. The drawing should update when you regen of save.

    Let me know if this helps and if I can be of further assistance.

    Good Luck,

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    Default Re: Setting up Fields within drawing title block and linking to Sheet Set Manager

    Hi! Did you get anywhere with this? My fields are not updating properly.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Setting up Fields within drawing title block and linking to Sheet Set Manager

    Hi Daryl,

    Your posting has greatly helped me understand how sheet sets work with fields in titleblocks. Can you post something that is a step by step process to create a titleblock with fields that work with sheet sets so it can be a template for each project I start. I have tried everything I have seen on the internet and somewhere on each of them I always get confused or it doesn't do what the instructions say it should. I really need this to work because it will greatly increase productivity and efficiency for my company to prepare drawing sets. Please help anyway you can. I would really appreciate any help I can get. Thank you! -Jennie

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