Anyone have any success with this?
Can you tell us what exactly you are trying to achieve, if possible with an example?
I've created a table, which has a sum field at the bottom.
I have another table on another layout which has a field which looks at the first tables summary field and places the same value in the second table.
I guess I could say...."I want to link a field in one table with a field in a second table"
Idea maybe....
Can you use a diesel expression to set the setvar USERR1 to the value of the first field?
Then I can retrieve the USERR1 value to the field of the second, third, .... table(s)
Last edited by cadmancando; 2007-05-09 at 07:52 PM.
Figured it out....
The field of the second table must state:
Code:=Table(2130252600).A5 where 2130252600 = Table ID A5 = Field of table