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Thread: AutoCAD 2006 custom CUI's corrupt after loading AutoCAD 2008

  1. #1
    100 Club jonathanschade's Avatar
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    Angry AutoCAD 2006 custom CUI's corrupt after loading AutoCAD 2008


    I am running AutoCAD 2006, and just upgraded to 2008 for evaluation purposes. I still need to run 2006.

    For some reason, when I open 2006 my custom menu's are all messed up. When I readjust my workspace, and then save it, I get an error message that tells me that my CUI is not valid and then apologizes for the inconvenience and closes. I need 2006 to work on an everyday basis. What happened? I am a CADD manager for a 100+ Architectural firm. I do not want to migrate to a buggy platform; this is why I load new software onto my machine first.


  2. #2
    The Silent Type Mike.Perry's Avatar
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    Question Re: AutoCAD 2006 custom CUI's corrupt after loading AutoCAD 2008


    Did you load your AutoCAD 2006 custom CUI files into AutoCAD 2008?

    Have a good one, Mike

  3. #3
    The Silent Type RobertB's Avatar
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    Default Re: AutoCAD 2006 custom CUI's corrupt after loading AutoCAD 2008

    You definitely loaded your own CUI files into 2008, which converted them. So you will have issues now. That is why I copy my own CUI files to a new folder, e.g. Menu (200 and point the AutoCAD 2008 profile to that folder, not the original CUI folder. You will need to do the same, and restore your backup of the 2006-based CUI file (you have one, right?).

  4. #4
    100 Club jonathanschade's Avatar
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    Default Re: AutoCAD 2006 custom CUI's corrupt after loading AutoCAD 2008

    Thanks for the heads-up. I am new at this, and it never occurred to me that 2008 would have a different CUI format, or change the CUI in any way. I loaded 2008 on my workstation, so that I could learn more about how it works, before I upgrade the rest of the office.

    Fun Times!
    Thanks again

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