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Thread: Set all entities / objects linetype scale to 1

  1. #1
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    Default Set all entities / objects linetype scale to 1

    I'm receiving drawings from vendors that have been setting individual scales on Linetypes, so they look correct in Model space, but will not print correctly in Paper Space.

    Is anyone familiar with a lsp routing that will select all entities and take the Linetype scale back to 1.00?



  2. #2
    AUGI Addict sinc's Avatar
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    Default Re: Set all entities / objects linetype scale to 1

    Sometimes you can sort-of get around this problem without a Lisp routine.

    Select everything and look in the Properties window. Depending on what items are in the drawing, you may be able to just change the linetype scale to 1 right there.

    But if you selected things like Blocks and Xrefs, you won't be able to edit the linetype scale. However, if you look at the top of the Properties window, there should be a drop-down box that says something like "All (4325)" where 4325 is a count of how many items you selected. If you click on this drop-down box, you'll see you can "filter" the properties pane for various types of objects. So if you select "Lines", you should now see the properties for just the lines you selected. You should now be able to change the linetype scale for all the Lines to 1. Now select the "Arcs", and change their linetype to 1, etc.

    I've long wanted an ability to right-click on one of the items in this list, for example "Block References", and remove them from the current selection set. But unfortunately, this wish has never made it into the product. Maybe I should submit it again.

  3. #3
    Certifiable AUGI Addict ccowgill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Set all entities / objects linetype scale to 1

    right click, select qselect from the menu, and select multiple objects whose linetype scale is not equal to 1 then in the properties palette, chane it to 1 or if right click is not set up for menus, type in qselect at the command line
    Last edited by ccowgill; 2007-05-23 at 11:34 AM.

  4. #4
    Active Member Animal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Set all entities / objects linetype scale to 1

    The old change command works wonders for this.

    Type CHANGE in the command line, select all the drawing, then type P for properties followed by S for LtScale, then 1.

    This will set everything to a ltscale of 1.

  5. #5
    All AUGI, all the time Richard McDonald's Avatar
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    Default Re: Set all entities / objects linetype scale to 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Cad4men
    I'm receiving drawings from vendors that have been setting individual scales on Linetypes, so they look correct in Model space, but will not print correctly in Paper Space.

    Is anyone familiar with a lsp routing that will select all entities and take the Linetype scale back to 1.00?


    If they look correct in model space and not paper space take a look at the PSLTSCALE setting.

    set it to 0 and the line work should look the same in both space's

  6. #6
    Certifiable AUGI Addict robert.1.hall72202's Avatar
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    Default Re: Set all entities / objects linetype scale to 1

    I have similar issues with the linetype scale.
    Could this be handles with via the alisp file at startup?

    Not sure how you work, but you may not want to change
    the data file. You may just want it changed for pinting on
    your end.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Set all entities / objects linetype scale to 1

    Out of all these thoughts, the qselect is definitely an easier proces, though I'm still of the school that tells me I should have it auto load into each drawing and change the ltscale before I begin any work, on all of our workstations.
    Two of our vendor companies do not use model space much at all, and are not familiar with psltscale and ltscale variables, I've already asked about those and they express no desire to change their ways. One is on 2006, the other group is on 2007.
    CELTSCALE is also beyond their comprehension, they even modify the drawings we send back to them, making the process of changing ltscale a never ending battle, as they view all files in MS.

    I'm still looking for the lsp routine though, maybe I can modify one with the ssget function to search the database for any value greater than >1.

    Thanks for the tips though,


  8. #8
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    Default Re: Set all entities / objects linetype scale to 1

    Yeah I have some problems with this from vendors and clients. It is a particular pain when blocks are drawn with the linework set to a separate LTSCALE inside the block. So the block might have an LT scale of one but when you BEDIT the line work in the block has a separate scale.

    What I would love is a utility similar to SETBYLAYER. It will change the scale of every object selected to what ever you state. it would change objects inside blocks... Hmmmm?

    <<< Is heading over to the wish list>>>

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Set all entities / objects linetype scale to 1

    A very easy way to solve this is by using "Filter". Under "Select filter", pick "linetype scale" and then put in a value (e.g.) <1 and select ALL. Modify the linetype scale in the properties box to your desired number, probably 1

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