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Thread: Deformity of Parts in Assemblies

  1. #1
    Wish List Administration
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    Default Deformity of Parts in Assemblies

    Summary: Have the option to create a pert that has the elasticity to deform to required shapes

    Description: I would like to have option to view instances (parts) in different shapes in assemblies. For examble coil springs, rubber dambers and other parts that have some flexible features in nature.

    How Used: 1. There could be number off different operational "positions" to view in drawing (representations)
    2. Parts in assemby has always the right properties and part coint that are viewed in BOM without redoing anything.

    Feature Affinity: Assemblies

    Submitted By: Pasi Annila on April 18, 2007

  2. #2
    Woo! Hoo! my 1st post
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    Default Re: Deformity of Parts in Assemblies

    I am surprised that no action has been taken to incorporate this feature into inventor assemblies. It is so frustrating to have to create separate parts simply to show them bent, twisted or deformed in an assembly not to mention the hassles with the BOM.

    Assembly of products commonly involves many forms of deformation of components - rivets, punching, cotter pins are highly used forms of assembly techniques which require deformation of parts/fasteners within an assembly.

    Some other common examples include: bending of slats past other members, twisting or bending tabs on sheet metal components, deformation of stakes in plastic parts that secure other components, bending integral hinges, etc.

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