Is there an easy way to do a wall mounted stair railing?
Is there an easy way to do a wall mounted stair railing?
I just create a railing type with a single rail at 3'-0" and wall bracket families for the balusters.
Go to the web library and download the wall rail components or search for the standard rail families. Ah, I'll just post it for you. But you really should look for the Railings Sample Rvt file. Its too big to post here, I believe its on the cd.
Scott D. Brown, AIA
Senior Project Manager | Associate
Would there be a problem if you created the wall mounted railings using "Generic Model wall based" family?Originally Posted by patricks
I haven't tried it but, just thinking seemed easier doing this way.
Any comments?
It would work, but it wouldn't automatically follow the stair or connect at corners, etc. Autodesk has provided a very nice railings sample file that includes a wall mounted pipe railing that is ready to use. It's in the Web Library. There is also a stair sample that is very handy.
edit: sorry Scott, missed your comment about the web library.