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Thread: AutoCAD 2007 Standalone authcode for network version

  1. #1
    AUGI Addict
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    Default AutoCAD 2007 Standalone authcode for network version

    Once upon a time Autodesk would allow you to install as many standalone seats at home as you had network seats at work. I had my old office set up that way, with 5 network seats at the office, and just the owner with a standalone install at home. She has two kids, and works 80 hours a week, so you can imagine what a boon this was. And Autodesk was supportive, if not going out of their way to promote the idea, and it did still meet the intent of the license agreement, in that she could not be both at home and at work, so at any one time there was still no more than 5 active users.
    Anyway, now as far as I can tell Autodesk doesn't do this anymore, and I am supposed to be upgrading all her machines this weekend to 2007 (as there is no ArchT for 2008 yet! Yes, I am trying to get her on Revit as soon as possible )
    So, can anyone verify if this policy really is still in force, and what number I need to call? Last time (for an R2005 install) I was able to call the authcode line on a weekend and get a standalone authcode in just a few minutes. Now the authcode line is closed on the weekends, so if the web authorization doesn't work, (which it seemingly won't for this special case) then you are hosed. Not turning in to a good weekend.

    Crossed fingers someone has some good news.


  2. #2
    Administrator rkmcswain's Avatar
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    Default Re: AutoCAD 2007 Standalone authcode for network version

    The answer lies in your EULA and if you are on subscription, the additional T&C that comes with that.
    If you can't figure it out from that, call your reseller.

    I wouldn't test the Autodesk piracy department based on opinions in a discussion group.
    R.K. McSwain | CAD Panacea |

  3. #3
    Digital Delivery Director Brian Myers's Avatar
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    Default Re: AutoCAD 2007 Standalone authcode for network version

    The policy says you can use it at home IF the computer used at home is owned by the person the software is registered to.

    As far as a phone number, I'll message you with it off-line.

  4. #4
    Administrator rkmcswain's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: AutoCAD 2007 Standalone authcode for network version

    Quote Originally Posted by Dilbert
    The policy says you can use it at home IF the computer used at home is owned by the person the software is registered to.
    Subscription customers have additional benefits too...
    R.K. McSwain | CAD Panacea |

  5. #5
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: AutoCAD 2007 Standalone authcode for network version

    Quote Originally Posted by gordon.price
    ...and it did still meet the intent of the license agreement, in that she could not be both at home and at work, so at any one time there was still no more than 5 active users.
    You can borrow the license from network to individual PCs and return it back to the server. See the Network Licensing Guide for more information.

    Abdul Huck

  6. #6
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: AutoCAD 2007 Standalone authcode for network version

    Better yet, you may want to look into the Home-Use Licensing program that I believe Autodesk has made available to Subscription customers. Talk to your reseller or look on the Subscription website.

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