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Thread: Extracting a 'Tally of Line Lengths' into a Spreadsheet

  1. #1
    Woo! Hoo! my 1st post
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    Unhappy Extracting a 'Tally of Line Lengths' into a Spreadsheet

    I have a very, very, large topographic survey that has a layer containing burried water pipes and I need to add up the individual lines in order to get the total length of water pipes on the whole 16 acre site. The only trouble is that it is a very extensive drawing and there are 3854 entities on the water pipe layer!!!

    I have tried to browse the internet for a routine that will do it and the first thing I found was a very useful vba under the training section of the Autodesk website that claims to tally up all the line entities on the selected layers and arranges them into a spreadsheet - very clever! .

    It is nice that they list of code all be it in a jpeg format so you can't cut and paste it out, but I was wondering if somebody already had the fully typed up, tried and tested article ready to run with.

    I know there are 'Quantity Survey' cad packages out there but this is a one-off need and will never needed to be done again.

  2. #2
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    Talking Re: Extracting a 'Tally of Line Lengths' into a Spreadsheet

    Try this. It worked for me.

     ; Append an object data field value to entities
    (defun c:expr2od (/ odt odf expr ss odc i en val)
      (if (setq odt (getstring "\nEnter the object Data Table name: "))
    	(if	(setq odf
    		   (getstring "\nEnter the Object Data Field name to append: ")
    	  (if (setq expr (getstring "\nEnter the Expression to evaluate: " t))
    	(if (setq ss (ssget))
    		;; define the new object data field
    		(setq odc
    			   ;; same name and description
    			   (cons "colname" odf)
    			   (cons "coldesc" odf)
    			   '("coltype" . "character")
    			   '("defaultval" . "")
    		;; add the new object data field to the table
    		(if	(not (ade_odaddfield odt odc))
    		  (princ "\nUnable to add new field to Object Data table")
    		;; append results of expression evaluation into od fields on entities
    		(repeat (setq i (sslength ss))
    		i   (1- i)
    		en  (ssname ss i)
    		val (ade_expreval en expr "string")
    		  (if val
    		(if (not (ade_odsetfield en odt odf 0 val))
    		  (princ "\nUnable to update OD field on entity ")
    		(princ "\nUnable to evaluate Expression on entity ")
    		  (princ ".")
    	  (princ "\nNo objects selected ")
    	(princ "\nNo Expression entered ")
    	  (princ "\nNo Object Data Field name entered")
    	(princ "\nNo Object Data Table name entered")
      (princ "\nDone")
    ) ; c:expr2od
    [ Moderator Action = ON ] What are [ CODE ] tags... [ Moderator Action = OFF ]
    Last edited by Mike.Perry; 2006-04-05 at 11:45 PM. Reason: [CODE] tags added.

  3. #3
    AUGI Addict
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    Default Re: Extracting a 'Tally of Line Lengths' into a Spreadsheet

    When you say topographic survey, are you using Land Desktop?
    Is so, conduct a query with MAP and set it to use the report function
    and MAP will do it for you.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Extracting a 'Tally of Line Lengths' into a Spreadsheet

    I use polylines with widths related to pipe diameters for my designs. Here's some code to extract that information and place a text string with the total lengths in the drawing.
    I then use another app to extract the appriate text from the drawing and put it into Excel.

    ===== code =====
    Public Sub get_all_polys()
    On Error GoTo Err_Handler

    'Dim pt1(0) As Double
    'Dim pt2(0) As Double
    Dim pnt2 As Variant
    Dim FilterSet As Object
    Dim grpCode(0) As Integer
    Dim grpValue(0) As Variant
    Dim ssAllPolys As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim utilObj As AcadUtility
    Dim ThePrompt As String
    Dim strCurLayer As String

    Set utilObj = ThisDrawing.Utility

    strCurLayer = ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer.Name

    'see if a selectionset named "all_polys" exists.
    'if so, delete it so you can create a new one.
    For Each ssAllPolys In ThisDrawing.SelectionSets
    If ssAllPolys.Name = "all_polys" Then
    Exit For
    End If
    Next ssAllPolys

    Set FilterSet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("all_polys")
    grpCode(0) = 0
    grpValue(0) = "LWPOLYLINE"

    FilterSet.SelectOnScreen grpCode, grpValue
    'FilterSet.Select acSelectionSetAll, pt1, pt2, grpCode, grpValue

    For Each FilterEnt In FilterSet
    If FilterEnt.ConstantWidth > 0 Then
    Select Case FilterEnt.ConstantWidth
    Case 0.33, 0.333, 0.3333 '4" pipe
    Dim intPline4 As Integer
    intPline4 = intPline4 + dblTemp
    Case 0.5 '6" pipe
    Dim intPline6 As Integer
    intPline6 = intPline6 + dblTemp
    Case 0.67, 0.667, 0.6667 '8" pipe
    Dim intPline8 As Integer
    intPline8 = intPline8 + dblTemp
    Case 0.83, 0.833, 0.8333 '10" pipe
    Dim intPline10 As Integer
    intPline10 = intPline10 + dblTemp
    Case 1 '12" pipe
    Dim intPline12 As Integer
    intPline12 = intPline12 + dblTemp
    Case 1.3, 1.33, 1.333, 1.3333 '16" pipe
    Dim intPline16 As Integer
    intPline16 = intPline16 + dblTemp
    Case 2 '24" pipe
    Dim intPline24 As Integer
    intPline24 = intPline24 + dblTemp
    Case Else
    MsgBox " ** HEY ** " & vbCrLf & _
    "There is a polyline " & vbCrLf & _
    "with a width of " & FilterEnt.ConstantWidth & vbCrLf & _
    "not included in this list.", , "EXTRA POLYLINE?"
    End Select
    End If
    Next FilterEnt

    ThePrompt = vbCrLf & "Text Location: "
    pnt2 = utilObj.GetPoint(, ThePrompt)

    ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers.Item("noplot")

    If ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace Then
    If intPline4 > 0 Then
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText _
    intPline4 & "-4"" 1101", pnt2, 0.5
    pnt2(1) = pnt2(1) - (CDbl(1) * 1.2)
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText _
    intPline4 & "-4"" Pipe", pnt2, 0.5
    pnt2(1) = pnt2(1) - (CDbl(1) * 1.2)
    End If
    If intPline6 > 0 Then
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText _
    intPline6 & "-6"" 1101", pnt2, 0.5
    pnt2(1) = pnt2(1) - (CDbl(1) * 1.2)
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText _
    intPline6 & "-6"" Pipe", pnt2, 0.5
    pnt2(1) = pnt2(1) - (CDbl(1) * 1.2)
    End If
    If intPline8 > 0 Then
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText _
    intPline8 & "-8"" 1101", pnt2, 0.5
    pnt2(1) = pnt2(1) - (CDbl(1) * 1.2)
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText _
    intPline8 & "-8"" Pipe", pnt2, 0.5
    pnt2(1) = pnt2(1) - (CDbl(1) * 1.2)
    End If
    If intPline10 > 0 Then
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText _
    intPline10 & "-10"" 1101", pnt2, 0.5
    pnt2(1) = pnt2(1) - (CDbl(1) * 1.2)
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText _
    intPline10 & "-10"" Pipe", pnt2, 0.5
    pnt2(1) = pnt2(1) - (CDbl(1) * 1.2)
    End If
    If intPline12 > 0 Then
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText _
    intPline12 & "-12"" 1101", pnt2, 0.5
    pnt2(1) = pnt2(1) - (CDbl(1) * 1.2)
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText _
    intPline12 & "-12"" Pipe", pnt2, 0.5
    pnt2(1) = pnt2(1) - (CDbl(1) * 1.2)
    End If
    If intPline16 > 0 Then
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText _
    intPline16 & "-16"" 1101", pnt2, 0.5
    pnt2(1) = pnt2(1) - (CDbl(1) * 1.2)
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText _
    intPline16 & "-16"" Pipe", pnt2, 0.5
    pnt2(1) = pnt2(1) - (CDbl(1) * 1.2)
    End If
    If intPline24 > 0 Then
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText _
    intPline24 & "-24"" 1101", pnt2, 0.5
    pnt2(1) = pnt2(1) - (CDbl(1) * 1.2)
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText _
    intPline24 & "-24"" Pipe", pnt2, 0.5
    pnt2(1) = pnt2(1) - (CDbl(1) * 1.2)
    End If
    MsgBox "This app not valid in a layout.", vbCritical
    End If

    MsgBox "The 1101 value should be correct." & vbCrLf & _
    "The 'Pipe' value needs to be changed!", _
    vbCritical, "Check Values"


    're-set previous layer back to current layer
    ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers.Item(strCurLayer)

    Set utilObj = Nothing

    Set FilterSet = Nothing

    Exit Sub


    Select Case Err.Number

    Case -2147352567
    If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) Then
    Resume Exit_Here
    End If

    Case Else
    MsgBox "Something caused the following error," _
    & vbCrLf & "#" & Err.Number _
    & vbCrLf & Err.Description, vbCritical, "*** ERROR ***"

    End Select

    Resume Exit_Here

    End Sub

    Public Function varExplode()
    Dim varExploded As Variant
    Dim intCnt As Integer

    dblTemp = 0
    varExploded = FilterEnt.Explode
    'When you explode in VBA, you get an array of the sub entities****
    For intCnt = LBound(varExploded) To UBound(varExploded)
    If TypeOf varExploded(intCnt) Is AcadLine Then
    dblTemp = dblTemp + varExploded(intCnt).Length
    'That you can delete! *****
    ElseIf TypeOf varExploded(intCnt) Is AcadArc Then
    dblTemp = dblTemp + varExploded(intCnt).ArcLength
    End If
    Next intCnt

    End Function
    ===== end code =====

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