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  1. #1
    All AUGI, all the time ford347's Avatar
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    Exclamation MISSING KEYNOTES??

    I have 3 views placed on a sheet and I have keynoted these views. I set my keynotes to show by sheet, so they number in numeric order as I place them and show per sheet. I just recently switched my keynote database, so all the items that had keynotes that were in the template I started from had to be updated or changed, which was kind of a pain and I'm now questioning the switch, but that's another subject.

    If an element does not have a keynote assigned to it, or the element did and you switched databases, and you did not assign one as you were placing keynotes, then there will be a blank in the keynote legend when placed on the sheet. I always look for these blanks, go find the number in the view and make sure I assign a keynote to the element. I have 2 keynotes in the schedule that show as blanks, number 7 & 8. My problem is there is no 7 or 8 in the views. I have looked everywhere, filtered out everything but keynotes to make sure I wasn't just missing them, changed all the tags to text, changed the numbering system from by sheet to keynote number, anything I could think of to find these sill things, and they are not there, but yet showing up in the schedule??!! Has anyone ran into this before and how do I find them??

  2. #2
    All AUGI, all the time ford347's Avatar
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    Default Re: MISSING KEYNOTES??

    anyone?? Josh

  3. #3
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: MISSING KEYNOTES??

    Quote Originally Posted by ford347 View Post
    anyone?? Josh
    YES. AND I'M ****** OFF ABOUT IT.

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