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Thread: AutoDesk Land Desktop 2006 Civil Design Workspace

  1. #1
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    Angry AutoDesk Land Desktop 2006 Civil Design Workspace

    Has anyone else had there profile menu disappear? I have tried unistalling and reinstalling the programs and nothing seems to help. Occasionally the Profile menu will appear then disappear again??? Any help will be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Administrator rkmcswain's Avatar
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    Default Re: AutoDesk Land Desktop 2006 Civil Design Workspace

    Is the "civildesign.cui" becoming corrupt, or is the Profile menu just not showing up in the Civil workspace?

    If the latter, are you trying to load more than 24 pull-down menus at one time? You can, but only 24 are remembered between AutoCAD sessions.

    You can solve this by defining a workspace and then restoring that workspace when needed.

    If the Profile menu is simply being dropped from the workspace without you doing it, then you have other problems.....
    R.K. McSwain | CAD Panacea |

  3. #3
    AUGI Addict sinc's Avatar
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    Default Re: AutoDesk Land Desktop 2006 Civil Design Workspace

    If the problem is caused by the 24-item limit in menus, you can get around that by putting the following code in your ACAD.LSP file:

    (defun-q MYSTARTUP ()
             (command "WSCURRENT" "")
    ) ;_ defun-q
    (setq S::STARTUP (append S::STARTUP MYSTARTUP))
    This automatically refreshes your last-active workspace each time you startup Land Desktop, which should cause the extra menu items to appear on the screen.

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