I'm using ADT 2007 and somehow lost my Extended Data Tab on my Properties Palette. How do I get it back?
Thanks, Jim
I'm using ADT 2007 and somehow lost my Extended Data Tab on my Properties Palette. How do I get it back?
Thanks, Jim
my guess would be you are running a profile that disables the ADT functions. what icon did you use to launch ADT? Have you closed software and reopened it? Have you restarted the computer?
Thanks for the quick response!
I use the ADT 2007 Icon on my desktop to launch. My current profile is Architectural Desktop - Imperial.
This has been like this for quite a while, so yes - program and computer have been restarted many times.
A general question - should the properties palette always have an extended data tab, or only when you select an AEC object, like a door?
In another post, I see that 2008 adds a command to turn the tab on or off, but I cannot find a similar command in 2007.
Well, it should be there provided you have opened a drawing made from one of the AEC templates. If it has been like this since install, did you choose to migrate previous settings when launching the first time? That may have affected what happens in the program. fwiw, I typically do not migrate custom settings.
If it hasn't been like that since the installation, you may need to perform a re-install from add/remove programs. If that does not work, a clean install may be needed.