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Thread: Derive and Replace Part/Assembly

  1. #1
    Wish List Administration
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    Default Derive and Replace Part/Assembly

    Summary: Be able to derive a part or assembly into a new part and then replace the original with the derived part

    Description: Derive N Replace. Whilst working in an Assembly I need the ability to derive a part or sub-assembly into a new part file and then replace the original in the assembly with the derived part

    How Used: Charles Bliss has a very good add-in called Save N Replace, I am find more and more often the need to derive a part and replace the original with the derived. This comes about from one of two reasons; I've been working-up a "quick and dirty" design with two or more instances of the same component, one of more now need editing. Or I need to add features - such as machining that I need to show in new drawing for that part as a separate manufacturing process. I sometimes use derivatives to show separate manufacturing stages and I have a problem doing this if the part is already in an Assembly.

    Feature Affinity: Assemblies

    Submitted By: Duncan Anderson on October 1, 2007

  2. #2
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