Summary: Add additional items to Design Center, specifically anything that can be purged with the purge command.

Description: Add more file-specific items to the DesignCenter OR Synchronize DesignCenter with Purge command

How Used: A lot of objects - like layers, blocks - reside in each file. It is a nice feature that they can be draggged from any drawing into the current file using the DesignCenter. At the same time, all file-specific items can be purged with the PURGE command. In my eyes it seems logical that all that can be purged in a file should be able to be brought back through the DesignCenter from another file, like a template file.
Right now, the PURGE command lists more objects than the DesignCenter. The DC does not list, for instance Mlines, Multileaders, Shapes among others. With AutoCAD2008 I wish 'Annotative Scales, that reside now in each file, would be listed there too. What a good time to synchronize the PURGE window with the DesignCenter so both lists the same objects!

Feature Affinity: Design Center

Submitted By: Cord Struckmann on November 1, 2007