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Thread: Volo Viewer plotting slow:

  1. #1
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    Question Volo Viewer plotting slow:

    Is this the forum foe asking questions about Volo? If not, please forgive.

    I have computers that run AutoCAD fast than Volo, specially when it comes to plotting. Is there anything that I can change in way the computer and/or Volo is configured?

    Another question would be; when plotting in Volo, it locks the file that you are in (this I expected) and the x-refed files. Is there a way to change this, like the enabled with copy setting in AutoCAD?

    Thanks for any help.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Volo Viewer plotting slow:

    This will take care of the locking issues:

    For the slow plotting, check your raster options for the plot device
    are you spooling locally on a server?
    If local check disc free space and or defragment your drive.
    If to a server, what is the server load, and your ping times?

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