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Thread: Detail component manager

  1. #1
    100 Club
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    Default Detail component manager

    This is terribly slow to open, access a component and the select and place it. Is there any way to speed it up?

    Also can the detail component manager stay open in between selections, rather than close after each component selection?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Detail component manager

    Are your details located on your sever or local?
    If server based clear the Network Places folder
    on your machine.

    If using Detailing Tool palette I beleive it will stay open.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Detail component manager

    The details are on a local machine in the default installation location.

    I have applied the 'slow layer manager' patch - just in case that would help, but it has not.

    I find that when going into the detail manager, once I have selected a component the manager will close afterI I click 'insert', If I want another item, then I have to wait for the detail manager to open, and then load the components again from the selection tree.

    It takes much too long.

    I suppose I could just add the most useful ones to a tool palette, but wonder if by adding too many the that would slow the machine down too?

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