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Thread: Data Link Update Problems

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Data Link Update Problems

    We have decided to give the Excel to AutoCAD data linking a go here in our office. Filling out 50 lines and 30 columns of data is easier to accomplish in Excel.

    After creating a table with title block and everything in it that we need, I created a block drawing that you insert to begin the new data table. After completing the Excel file and saving it the user then data links that file into their drawing table. No problems here seems to work fine with formatting and all that jazz.

    However, after editing the excel file and choosing update data link form source file we have been getting different results. Sometimes it updates fine with no problems what so ever, Ideal.
    Other times it will insert text into cells that are not referenced in the Data Link. If a user has only chosen the first ten rows or so for data linking, the update link command will then fill out the remaining cells with zeros and other random symbols.

    Not sure if I have explained well enough, but I would appreciate any feedback at all.

    Running Land Desktop Companion 2008 and Enabled Map 2008

    Thanks in Advance for any help.

    Edit: Just noticed that the problem exists only when the user closes AutoCAD down completely. re-open the file and update data link causes all cells to have input where there is no input in excel sheet. Hope this helps clear up anyhting.
    Last edited by DBill2508; 2008-02-08 at 04:06 PM.

  2. #2
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    Question Re: Data Link Update Problems

    Since no responses have been given, I suppose it is time for some visual aids to see if anyone has seen these problems.

    Attached images show the table from AutoCAD from an original Data link (Good one) to the same drawing after re-starting AutoCAD and choosing "Download Data changes from Source file" from right-click short-cut (Bad one)

    The cell link range is from A5:A20, but for some reason when updating the link, we get these results (Bad one).

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #3
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    Angry Re: Data Link Update Problems

    I'm having similar problems with tables.
    I create the datalink, choosing "Use Excel Formatting first, but to not update".
    Then create the table, using the datalink, and everythings great. Make a few tweaks to the columns and rows and i'm done......or so I thought.
    When I choose to update the datalink (I've tried every which way it can be done) the formatting of the table goes crazy. It unmerges merged cells, changes column/row sizes, and fills in bogus data.
    I've searched everywhere on the internet and found nothing about this problem!!
    I'm running AutoCAD 2008 SP1.

    Any help would be wonderful!!
    Sorry I couldn't help you out!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Data Link Update Problems

    Just an update. The problem machine had all AutoCAD products re-installed and has not experienced any problems so far. Therefore it must have been a BAD install. So, if anyone else experiences this problem, it could just be the install.

  5. #5
    100 Club red2002yzfr1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Data Link Update Problems

    I am having the same issues as mzavala. I get the table all setup in the dwg and when I update, it unmerges the merged cells. I have locked the format (and even the contents) and it still unmerges the cell (row). I have not tried making the table a block to see if it will lock it down.

    Update: Making the table a block has know effect in keeping the merged cells together.
    Last edited by red2002yzfr1; 2008-04-10 at 01:13 PM.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Data Link Update Problems

    When you create or re-link your Data Link make sure you click on the arrow head (looks like this ">") at the bottom right of the dialog (or Alt + >), then uncheck the "Use Excel Formating" you won't have that problem again.

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