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Thread: Editing Detail Components

  1. #1
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    Default Editing Detail Components


    I am trying to get to grips with the Detail Component Manager and use what looks like a great tool.
    If I bring in a component, how do I edit it?
    For example, if I brought in a brick cavity wall but wanted a different size cavity, how do I change this? Or maybe I wanted to change the hatching style on one of the components?

    I did look in Properties and the Right Click Menu, but could not see what looked like a way of changing it.
    If I can change these things, will this then affect the component in the Manager. Do I need to save a diffferent version before editing?

    And lastly, I notice their are Keynotes with each detail. Can these notes be added to the drawing and shown via a Multileader?



  2. #2
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    Default Re: Editing Detail Components

    Have a look at this AU Handout, it should help answer most of of your questions about the Detail Components.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Editing Detail Components

    Thanks Angus, I shall read that later.

  4. #4
    Time Lord Steve_Bennett's Avatar
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    Default Re: Editing Detail Components

    Please note i have moved this from the ACA 2008 General forum to the DCM forum.
    Steve Bennett |BIM Manager
    Taylor Design | Adventures in BIM

  5. #5
    100 Club cholmes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Editing Detail Components

    That document will help with most of your questions.
    As far as hatching, if you want to change what pattern is always being used by a type of component, follow this (which I just posted to another question):

    As far as the hatch patterns, look for a file called AecDtlComponents (US).mdb
    It is basically a database file that you will need to have Microsoft access to edit. We have ours on the network, but I think the normal location is in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\ACD-A 2008\enu\Details\Details (US)

    When you first open this file, look for a section called "Hatches" (it's at the end of the list) and open it. This contains all of the hatches used. It's pretty straightforward. the Alias column is what it is, and the hatch column is obviously the hatch pattern. Simply put in the name of the pattern you want to use, and adjust the scale if needed. Save the file and your done, it should work right away. It doesn't change existing objects in your drawings, but if you add objects, the new ones will be right. If it doesn't work, you may be set up to look at a different location for that file, like on the network. If so, change that one instead.

    Some other tips for using the detail components:
    - Open the properties pallette, and leave it open, dock it, whatever. Get used to using it. It has a ton of available options as you are placing detail components.
    - Select an object and right click, and go to AEC modify tools. You can use these commands to do several things, like trim, obscure is a good one, merge is great for modifying the shape of something, etc.
    - also on the right click, don't forget the add selected when you have something selected. This saves you digging through the details component manager again. If you need a different size than the one you selected, just go to your properties pallete, and pick a different one.

    I could probably go on, but you may already know a lot of this stuff, so I'll stop for now!

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    Default Re: Editing Detail Components

    Quote Originally Posted by cholmes View Post
    As far as the hatch patterns, look for a file called AecDtlComponents (US).mdb
    It is basically a database file that you will need to have Microsoft access to edit. We have ours on the network, but I think the normal location is in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\ACD-A 2008\enu\Details\Details (US)
    How do you change that location so that it points to your network, and not the C drive? I've tried multiple things and I'm not entirely sure what's going on.

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    100 Club cholmes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Editing Detail Components

    Quote Originally Posted by kate.charbonneau View Post
    How do you change that location so that it points to your network, and not the C drive? I've tried multiple things and I'm not entirely sure what's going on.

    Go to your options, then go to the AEC content tab. In that tab there should be an add/remove button for detail component database. Hit that button, remove the current location, and then add the new location. I believe this takes care of it, but I don't remember if there is more or not. You will probably want to change the keynote location the same way.

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    Default Re: Editing Detail Components

    Thank you!!

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