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Thread: Design Component Manager

  1. #1
    100 Club
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    Question Design Component Manager

    I am trying to rotate a triangular anchor for masonry construction so it is in plan view instead of section. I can't figure out a way to rotate it...I have done xflip, yflip, rotate option...

    Here is the command line when I insert the object w/ a picture attached.

    Command line: Insert point or [Base point/Rotate/Xflip/Yflip]:

    Any help? Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance!
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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Design Component Manager

    Quote Originally Posted by cadpro78 View Post
    I am trying to rotate a triangular anchor for masonry construction so it is in plan view instead of section. I can't figure out a way to rotate it...I have done xflip, yflip, rotate option...

    Here is the command line when I insert the object w/ a picture attached.

    Command line: Insert point or [Base point/Rotate/Xflip/Yflip]:

    Any help? Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance!
    If it's drawn in plan view then when you insert the detail go to the properties palette (ctrl + 1) and change the view from section to plan.

    It depends whether it's drawn in plan or not.

  3. #3
    100 Club cholmes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Design Component Manager

    Yes, this is where the properties pallette is your best friend! Open it and leave it open, dock it to the side, whatever. There are a ton of options when inserting detail components that are only available there.

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