Is there a way to set up keyboard shortcut keys using keys other than the accelerator keys? For instance:
I want to set it up so that DF will perform a Draworder Front command. So I want to be able to type DF, then be able to select an object and have it come to the front. I cannot figure out a way to do this. I am fairly certain that I can do it if I assign one of the accelerator keys to it... but shouldn't I be able to assign whatever keys I want to be the shortcut keys?
Part of the problem I am having is that there needs to be user input in the middle of the process (to choose which objects to bring to the front) and I can't figure that out. I can set it up so that when I type DF it goes to the Draworder command but then I am getting hung up every time at that step.
I have tried this using CUI (I even found the macro assigned to the command: (^C^C^P(ai_draworder "_f") ^P). I tried doing it in the PGP file. I tried doing it in the ACAD2008.LSP file that runs at startup. I just cannot figure it out.
HELP?? Anyone??