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Thread: Unable to change Feature line, Line style

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Unable to change Feature line, Line style

    I have been unable to change a feature line, line style. For my car park, I have a face of kerb feature line that will only display as continuous. I have changed the feature line style, the layer style and tried to change it in drawings that xref the model. Nothing has worked.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
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    Arrow Re: Unable to change Feature line, Line style

    So the answer is that feature lines, like 3d polys, will not display a line style when ploted. Knowing the answer to my problem still doesn't solve it. Does anyone know how to show line styles of dynamic objects? Is the only answer using corridors?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Unable to change Feature line, Line style

    What I am experiencing is similar to if you do not have linetype generation enabled on a polyline. The linetype, dashed 2 in my case, shows and prints just fine as long as it's a long segment, but where I have a fairly detailed feature line it displays solid. I haven't been able to recreate this instance but I believe that if the feature line style has the 3d display turned on it will not display any linetype at any point. Maybe there is a work around for this. If I find out anything I will let you know.

    Good Luck,
    D Manning

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