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Thread: Network Flood Analysis

  1. #1
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    Default Network Flood Analysis

    When doing flood analysis, is it possible for the nodes to change color like the lines do? I am trying to make sure the linework flows through the nodes.
    Thank you,

    Here is my duct tape solution.
    Create a block with lines (in this case 10 ft long) radiating from a central point; make that point the insert point.
    Export your current nodes to a point shape file (no data needed).
    Import points and use the block just created.
    Explode those blocks.
    Make network topology of your current topology lines and the exploded block lines.
    Run a flood topology, if the exploded block lines do not change color they are not connected.
    (current experiment)
    Make a buffer topology and export the polygon shape.
    Import and use to cover up areas that do not need fixing.
    (better choice)
    Query the Flood Buffer and Alter the Layer and turn the layer off.
    Last edited by trconnet; 2008-02-28 at 02:47 PM. Reason: idea

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