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Thread: Lost drawing after renaming

  1. #1
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    Question Lost drawing after renaming

    I worked on a project for a week & when finished, needed to rename one of the drawings. I entered the new name in the save as box & got a warning that the drawing might become unstable. I took my chances and changed the name anyway. Now, not only is the drawing unstable, but GONE. I can't find it anywhere. I've done several searches under both file names, .sv$, BAK etc... with no luck. I'm using autocad 2008. Any help?

  2. #2
    Certifiable AUGI Addict dzatto's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost drawing after renaming

    Are you sure you put the .dwg after the name? I think that's what the warning was about. I never get the warning unless I forget to do it. Search for the file name without an extension at the end, maybe you can find it that way? Just a thought. Then, just rename it and make sure you put the .dwg at the end.

  3. #3
    Certifiable AUGI Addict robert.1.hall72202's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost drawing after renaming

    Sort the files by last modified date when in explorer.

    I have sorted an entire C:

    I am weird

  4. #4
    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost drawing after renaming

    Quote Originally Posted by dzatto View Post
    Are you sure you put the .dwg after the name? I think that's what the warning was about. I never get the warning unless I forget to do it. Search for the file name without an extension at the end, maybe you can find it that way? Just a thought. Then, just rename it and make sure you put the .dwg at the end.
    I agree, this is probably what happened, I've gotten that warning when renaming a file and change or forget the file extension.

    Do you know what directory you were trying to save it to? If so, go into Windows explorer to that directory and sort by newest, you may find your drawing name with a "file" extension, if so, rename it with .dwg extension and try and open it.

    Or you could try a "search" with a wild card for the extension " <your drawing name>.* "

    good luck

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    Default Re: Lost drawing after renaming

    The default setup for Windows is to hide file extensions. Thus if you rename a file, you don't see that you've removed its extension, so it's quite easy to make this mistake. That's why I've changed my explorer settings to Show Extensions (always).

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    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost drawing after renaming

    Quote Originally Posted by irneb View Post
    The default setup for Windows is to hide file extensions. Thus if you rename a file, you don't see that you've removed its extension, so it's quite easy to make this mistake. That's why I've changed my explorer settings to Show Extensions (always).
    Me too!!
    (along with show hidden folders, blah blah blah....)
    I want to see everything!

  7. #7
    Certified AUGI Addict jaberwok's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost drawing after renaming

    Quote Originally Posted by irneb View Post
    The default setup for Windows is to hide file extensions. Thus if you rename a file, you don't see that you've removed its extension, so it's quite easy to make this mistake. That's why I've changed my explorer settings to Show Extensions (always).
    I used to teach that in lesson 2.

  8. #8
    Certifiable AUGI Addict robert.1.hall72202's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost drawing after renaming

    Quote Originally Posted by irneb View Post
    The default setup for Windows is to hide file extensions. Thus if you rename a file, you don't see that you've removed its extension, so it's quite easy to make this mistake. That's why I've changed my explorer settings to Show Extensions (always).
    I have extensions turned off because I am relying on the icons.
    The autocad icons have crosshairs.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Lost drawing after renaming

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert.Hall View Post
    I have extensions turned off because I am relying on the icons.
    The autocad icons have crosshairs.
    The problem is that if you now rename a file, you don't notice that you're also renaming its extension. It doesn't create this problem if you rename directly in an explorer window. However, if you rename in an Open File dialog (especially AutoCAD's since it's something different from explorer) it removes the .DWG at the end without you noticing it. Then when you want to open that file you can't find it, because you only see files with .DWG at the end.

    You can still have your Icon view with extensions on as well, see the attached.
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