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Thread: Extended NCS and NCS.ctb

  1. #1
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    Angry Extended NCS and NCS.ctb

    We are finally getting on board with Civil 3D 2008. In doing so we thought this would be a great time to change to some "real" standards. So we adopted the _AutoCAD Civil 3D (Imperial) NCS Extended.dwt. So far so good except it is short alot of layers. No problem, just create them with the NCS naming conventions. We had a third party company do all of our styles for us. pipes, feature codes etc etc etc.Using the _AutoCAD Civil 3D (Imperial) NCS Extended.dwt. Now the fun part. They suggested we use the NCS.ctb file. I good to be true. does not match what the _AutoCAD Civil 3D (Imperial) NCS Extended.dwt is wanting to do. Anything white (7) is huge (which is alot of text). Color 9 which is the C-CONT-MINR layer is 10 times fatter than the C-CONT-MAJR layer which is color 8. Why have a friggin standard and not have a ctb file that is correct??? Anyone out there have a ctb file that works with the _AutoCAD Civil 3D (Imperial) NCS Extended.dwt. We did not change colors or anything. Standards are standards and with the styles etc in Civil 3D there is little chance someone here will do things different. Any help would be great

  2. #2
    Certified AUGI Addict cadtag's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extended NCS and NCS.ctb

    I'ts probably a good time t point out the the cutrrent NCS (v4 released this January) has followed the TriServices plotting guidelines and gotten away from the 'color to line weight' mapping of the ctb format.

    So if you want to be current with a "real" standard, then you should look at STB plotting.

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