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Thread: Supporting Number Pad (NumPad)

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  1. #1
    The Silent Type RobertB's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Supporting Number Pad (NumPad)

    It is possible to add support for NumPad keys in a CUI.

    For instance, you can assign an OSnap override to each of the numbers on the number pad, and use the number pad during the middle of a command to supply the override, as long as NumLock is off.

    The attached file has OSnap overrides for each of the numbers 0-9.

    0 = EndP
    1 = Mid
    2 = Cen
    3 = Nod
    4 = Qua
    5 = Int
    6 = Ins
    7 = Per
    8 = Tan
    9 = Nea

    F1 has also been redefined to be the <Escape> key instead of displaying Help.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    R. Robert Bell
    Design Technology Manager
    Opinions expressed are mine alone and do not reflect the views of Stantec.

  2. #2
    100 Club
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    Default Re: Supporting Number Pad (NumPad)

    It would be very handy for left handed mouse users, but I prefer to use SHIFT & right-click the mouse.
    I found that users liked to retain the Number Pad for typing in numbers.
    I have some of the standard layers assigned to CTRL+NUMPAD1, 2, etc.
    Another layer of use is to assign CTRL+ALT+NUMPAD1, 2, etc. to macros.

  3. #3
    Certifiable AUGI Addict robert.1.hall72202's Avatar
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    Default Re: Supporting Number Pad (NumPad)

    I have the overides set to shift + number.

    I then use the pgp to assign commands to assign
    the modify commands to the numbers.

    I agree, the number pad can be very useful.
    It also helps to get a keyboard that has the number pad on
    the left side.

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