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Thread: Graded region

  1. #1
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    Default Graded region

    I am trying to create finish grading for my project on a sloped site, I imported the existing topography and created a topo surface. In the site tools I pick graded region, checked copy internal points, and picked select and edit.

    This creates elevation points along my contour lines but if I move the points to create a cut or fill area it makes the contour line jagged between the other elevation points. The same thing happens if I add a new elevation point near the contour line to change its location.

    I have 30 feet or more of slope across my building site with one foot contours so there are a lot of contours close together that need to be modified for the new cut and fill slopes.

    This just does not work when I'm trying to make a smooth finish grade contour and it keeps adding these extra jagged segments in the line between the elevation points. also I can't figure out a way to place the finish contour lines such that I can create a defined slope for the cut or fill.

    I can create my final site plan in autocad but I want to be able to show the finish grade in my 3-d model view.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    I could stop if I wanted to mruehr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Graded region

    not really unterstanding your exact proplem
    usually it is adding more point or less
    meaning if you want the contour line to follow exactly use more point along it.
    or if you have a steep grade adding point for top and bottom of the fall is often enouth or even better.
    this is on of the eyeopener posts

  3. #3
    AUGI Addict luigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Graded region

    Since you mentioned working on a site plan in autocad....Have you tried creating the new 3D contour lines (at the proper elevation) as a seperate layer and creating topo in Revit based on that new layer?

    Revit tries to triangulate all points...sometimes Revit needs more points than are actually placed to correctly show a non linear contour...when a 3d countour line is used, revit will place many points next to this process, 99.9% of the time, makes the countour line smoother....

    Quote Originally Posted by bob.86982 View Post
    I am trying to create finish grading for my project on a sloped site, I imported the existing topography and created a topo surface. In the site tools I pick graded region, checked copy internal points, and picked select and edit.

    This creates elevation points along my contour lines but if I move the points to create a cut or fill area it makes the contour line jagged between the other elevation points. The same thing happens if I add a new elevation point near the contour line to change its location.

    I have 30 feet or more of slope across my building site with one foot contours so there are a lot of contours close together that need to be modified for the new cut and fill slopes.

    This just does not work when I'm trying to make a smooth finish grade contour and it keeps adding these extra jagged segments in the line between the elevation points. also I can't figure out a way to place the finish contour lines such that I can create a defined slope for the cut or fill.

    I can create my final site plan in autocad but I want to be able to show the finish grade in my 3-d model view.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Graded region

    Thanks Mruehr and Luigi for your suggestions.

    The link you gave me had some good information that let me figure out how to do what I was trying to do. I did a split surface to define the limits of the topo I wanted to regrade and then added elevation points around my building and other features for the new finish grade and it adjusted the contours within the split surface and tied back in to the existing contours at the outside edge of the split surface. It worked very well except for a subregion I had created for a driveway disappeared. It is still there but it won't display.

    I will do another post to see if anyone can help with this.

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