Amazingly it is totally free Tutorial and that web site collect all free video tutorial inside one web site.

I just want share with all of you.

Thank a lot to web master, god will help you.

Below this message I read from web site

I take a long time surfing and searching the free and complete online AutoCAD tutorial. Majority of web site say "Free AutoCAD tutorial" but after I open the web site, I found only few chapter free but the other you should pay or buy.

So I try to solve this problem and try help the other people want learn... but no have enough money to buy. So I collect all free AutoCAD video tutorial in this planet and publish at my site and you don't pay to me.... because all free.

I alway try find out complete AutoCAD video tutorial and the important thing it is totally free, so it will help student, lecturer and all of you to study and learn the AutoCAD software.