Anybody tried this device with revit? I'm interested purchasing this since I work with 3dsmax. It would be better if I know this will work with Revit also. Any thoughts?
Anybody tried this device with revit? I'm interested purchasing this since I work with 3dsmax. It would be better if I know this will work with Revit also. Any thoughts?
Revit can't currently utilize the 3d space navigator products.
It isn't a matter of 3DConnexion coming up with a driver, it is a matter of autodesk making it even possible. 3DConnexion and users have been asking for this for years, autodesk hasn't bothered to address the issue. Maybe they didn't want any competition for the Steering Wheel?
Are you saying what I think you are saying Scott?
Where is the evidence that anyone has bothered? If you know where the drivers are point to them. Otherwise your comments are pointless and unhelpful.
Good point, I don't know if anything has been done or not because autodesk refuses to say anything straight, and instead peddles in innuendo and rumor. Sorry, the veiled 'we are working on something, wink, wink, just trust us' counts for little any more. And I guess Sarbanes Oxley only comes into play when iffy info goes to stock holders, not customers? Sorry, just a little @#$% off at that non answer. Either tell us that it is being worked on, and give us a sense of when we might see it so we can make decisions, or don't say anything at all. Appeasing us with a tease while also maintaining plausible denial as a cover for when it never happens is just plane wrong. And sorry I seem to be harshing on you directly Scott. I am sure you are just doing what is asked of you, and it is not my intent to single you or anyone else out. The problem at autodesk is NOT a problem of the people, certainly not the ones who spend time here paying the piper for the decisions of people higher up. It is a problem of culture, and that makes it a management problem.
But back on topic, I will say this; from a 'user perspective' autodesk has done nothing 'useful'. Maybe some work has been done, maybe not, doesn't matter to me cause I still got a totally 3D application with a (2nd generation) kludged 2D input mechanism. And until I can actually use my SpaceNavigator I will say autodesk has given us 'functionally' nothing.
Honestly, it is somewhat like Newport. I have seen something (whether software demo or marketing animation I don't know, Carl wouldn't tell usso I know that effort has gone into it, but I still can't buy it, nor have a heard a peep about it since, so (again from a 'user', as in customer, perspective) Newport is just so much smoke and mirrors, sunshine blown up my arse, vaporware.
And I can NOT make a living with vaporware.
Now I will go explain to the 100th new user why Elevation bubbles don't work like anything else in Revit and basically suck. Because believe it or not autodesk, you get to depend on people like me to defend your product out here in the real world. God help you if you can't give me something more than empty promises to pass on, cause users don't seem to like those very much, and some of us get tired of defending a company that doesn't seem to appreciate that.
Well, then can YOU make a statement as to if it is being worked on or not?
Bottom line is I hate this "maybe we are, maybe we aren't" kind of attitude. I was just asked to look into if this works with Revit and so far it appears that it doesn't, which honestly just stinks.
It looks like it would be a good device that would work well with Revit, but then again, considering that we don't even have conduit tools or usable electrical panel schedules in Revit MEP, I shouldn't be too surprised that AutoDesk hasn't stepped up to the plate and added the support for it.
In my case, it's not the users that are complaining, it's the engineers when we tell them Revit can't do that or my boss when he asks why the drawings look like they were drafted by a 3 year old (although come to think of it, I have seen higher quality drawings from my 3 year old brother and that is NOT an overstatement, he can at least make lines that don't overlap and that's by hand).
Ok, rant over, you get the idea, we need support for the tools that will help us accomplish our work.