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Thread: Silent Installs of DWG TrueView 2009

  1. #1
    The Silent Type RobertB's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Silent Installs of DWG TrueView 2009

    For those that don't do a GPO install, performing a silent install of DWG TrueView 2009 simply using the .msi file appears to work, until you try to execute the application. There is a very real chance that some prerequisite is missing and then the application will fail to start.

    So I developed a .cmd file that executes on Windows XP 32-bit machines that will perform the prereq work in addition to the .msi install of DWG TrueView. If you need to do this on a 64-bit machine, or find some issue on Vista machines, please reply to this thread. I assume that version 3.1 of MSIExec is installed. Probably a bad assumption, but I digress.

    This command file needs to run with local admin rights.

    Replace <server UNC path> with your actual location for the DWG TrueView install files. I've extracted ours to a subfolder called DWG TrueView 2009. Note that if you run out of environment space attempting to set the variable, you can place the actual string in all the appropriate locations and dispense with the variable.

    I also perform the install of the AutoCAD Architectural Object Enabler in the command file. Follow the instructions in this thread for more details on how to perform the silent install of an OE.

    Unfortunately, as of the middle of August 2008, there is no OE for AutoCAD MEP. Still. <groan>

    Finally, I also perform a registry merge to populate the unnamed profile with our printers and other settings.

    @echo off
    set instpath=<server UNC path>\DWG TrueView 2009
    "%instpath%\support\dotnetfx\dotnetfx.exe" /q /c:"install /l /qn"
    msiexec /norestart /quiet /i "%instpath%\support\VBA\vba6.msi"
    "%instpath%\support\DirectX\DXSETUP.exe" /silent
    msiexec /norestart /quiet /i "%instpath%\support\msxml\msxml6.msi"
    msiexec /norestart /quiet /i "%instpath%\support\VCRedist\x86\vcredist.msi"
    msiexec /norestart /passive /l*v "%temp%\DWGVIEWRInstall.log" /i "%instpath%\DWGVIEWR.msi"
    msiexec /norestart /passive /l*v "%temp%\ACA OE.log" /i "%instpath%\OE ACA 2009 for DWG TV 2009\6a.tmp_DWG_TrueView_2009_-_English_(United_States).msi"
    regedit /s "%instpath%\DWG TrueView 2009.reg"
    R. Robert Bell
    Design Technology Manager
    Opinions expressed are mine alone and do not reflect the views of Stantec.

  2. #2
    Administrator rkmcswain's Avatar
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    Default Re: Silent Installs of DWG TrueView 2009

    Robert, have you seen this?
    I tried the above and it seems to work also.

    Also, it's probably worth noting that the "registry merge" is needed for each user that logs on. This is unfortunate since we do these installs while logged on as local admin, while we may not even know who the machine is going to at this point....
    R.K. McSwain | CAD Panacea |

  3. #3
    The Silent Type RobertB's Avatar
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    Default Re: Silent Installs of DWG TrueView 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by rkmcswain View Post
    Robert, have you seen this?
    I tried the above and it seems to work also.

    Also, it's probably worth noting that the "registry merge" is needed for each user that logs on. This is unfortunate since we do these installs while logged on as local admin, while we may not even know who the machine is going to at this point....
    No, I had not seen that post, since it was posted after my last web search on the topic.

    I'm not sure which method I prefer. At least the .cmd method will avoid the DirectX setup issue noted in that post.

    You are correct about the .reg merge. We actually have that in our login script (check for .exe then merge) in addition to the install command file.
    R. Robert Bell
    Design Technology Manager
    Opinions expressed are mine alone and do not reflect the views of Stantec.

  4. #4
    Administrator rkmcswain's Avatar
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    Default Re: Silent Installs of DWG TrueView 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by RobertB View Post
    You are correct about the .reg merge. We actually have that in our login script (check for .exe then merge) in addition to the install command file.
    I've been meaning to do that (add to logon script). Thanks for the reminder
    R.K. McSwain | CAD Panacea |

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Silent Installs of DWG TrueView 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by RobertB View Post
    Finally, I also perform a registry merge to populate the unnamed profile with our printers and other settings.
    Thread dig...

    You could always just use something like orca or Insted (my pref) to create a transform or just edit the msi to put the required profile information directly into the install so you don't need to do an merge's / run a reg insert after the install.

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