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Thread: best way to ensure structural walls move with Arch walls

  1. #1
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    Default best way to ensure structural walls move with Arch walls

    I am new to Revit and the company I work for is trying to make the move from Acad to Revit. My question is: what is the best way to ensure our (shear walls) walls will move when the Architect moves his walls? On the last project that was done in Revit (a school with two buildings) a drafter spent a lot of time (from what I hear it was weekly) moving walls from a couple inches to a foot or two to match the Architects revised model. We tried to lock our walls to the walls in the Architect's model but that didn't work. Should we monitor the walls or is there a better solution. From what I have been reading it appears that the only walls that get locked are the ones that align with a grid line, what about interior shear walls?


  2. #2
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    Default Re: best way to ensure structural walls move with Arch walls

    I would monitor the walls, the best way is to make sure they are set the core boundary centre walls of the Architects, this usually enables your collaboration to be much smoother, your always gonna get problem area's but this should take alot of that out of your hands.

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    Default Re: best way to ensure structural walls move with Arch walls

    I see this as a complex problem at my firm as well. My first thought is the copy/monitor tool as well. Although shouldn't "we" only have to model things once? Why should the architectural staff AND the structural staff have to model a structural element? I a perfect world wouldn't the architectural staff just model architectural elements and link in the structural model? Or in the case of a composite model (all disciplines in one .rvt) the structural staff models the shearwall and the architectural staff models the furring/studs/finishes/etc. around that shearwall. I see many people wasting alot of time re-modeling the same elements as individuals in other disciplines. We wouldn't do this in Autocad why do we do it in Revit?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: best way to ensure structural walls move with Arch walls

    This goes back to a communication and trust issue. If you are NOT using RST to create analysis models, then I would have your Architect own the wall but make sure he sets the shear walls as a structural wall and NOT architectural wall. This way when you set your view, you can have the Shear wall look differently from the Arch walls. The Arch should inform the engineer when the shear walls moves since this impact our calcs.

    I've done this in the past and work fine once we (arch and struct) were comfortable on the "new" roles. In the end, on these projects, we did less work since all we did was link the arch model into ours and we had all the walls and also in these project, the concrete planks. We just annotated and checked to make sure it was correct.

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