Will you have a trial version?
Dick Barath
Will the generated trusses have a different web configuration than the truss vendor provides or does the architect/engineer control the location of the members on a typical project? I have used dxf export files from truss vendors to model the trussed when duct was run in attic.
Hi allanerickson,
Trusses are generated in 3D model from Revit database of preloaded Truss Families. Will be more then 80 truss families. User can edit only preloaded truss family , rename according some rules and load to project. Truss Database Manager helps quick create different types for all preloded truss families in the same time.. For example, You have in project trusses of type: Top Chord 90mm, Bot Ch =90 Diag Web 90 and Vert Web 90. You want to create for all families new type with Diag & Vert Webs 75. You need few seconds for this operation.
For new types You must enter min. & max. span parameters manualy if You want autogenerating by min. or max. span. We are afraid that user can forget about these parameters if we will make auto copy procedure.
Hi allanerickson again.
Can You send me some DXF of trusses which geometry depends from position of ducts. We will think about that. It would be nice to get from Autodesk - Revit API with possibilities to edit family .Will be possible to edit geometry on the fly in truss generation process in this case.
Last edited by gintaris.aksomitas; 2008-10-02 at 04:59 PM. Reason: Edit text
Hello Gintaris,
Your program is exactly what I'm hoping that truss manufacturers could have. Could a 3D model be exported to autocad? I have never recieved a 3D model from an architect or engineer. We usually just model the "structure" and the "ceiling" above a 2D base sheet and try to squeeze the duct, HVAC piping, plumbing and sprinkler between the two. I've only seen 3 or four coordination drawings from electricians in my 25 years of doing this, so I can't say we coordinate that.
Its always a hastle when we have to route things thru trusses because it takes so long to model them.
It looks like you have a winner.
good luck,
Last edited by gintaris.aksomitas; 2008-10-08 at 12:47 AM. Reason: Edit picture
Hi all,
New demo:
Integrated transformations of hip end trusses and valley sets & final roof framing
was added in our web site:
It does look impressive! Can't wait to have it...
Question: Will there be a possibility to cater for a coffered ceiling? That usually requires to construct trusses with a non-continuous bottom chord .