Would you be interested in participating in a live online ATP class? If so, what time zone are you in?.
GMT, in the UK

If a live online class were offered over three consecutive weeks at the same time, would you be interested in participating? No finding the time might be a problem, It might be better as others have said about downloading video or as you do now is fine with me.

What day and time would be the most convenient for you? when i can find the best time to suit me.

Would you be willing to pay a nominal fee ($10 US) for such a course? I would like it to be kept free.

What subject matter interests you the most? 3D, Lisp, finding quicker and cleaner ways to work with ACad.

Are happy with present the ATP program and don't see a need to change? I am happy how this first assignment with APT has gone and have learnt a lot, and look forward to learning more in the future, all things have to change to advance, we all hope for the better.

Best Regards Phill