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Thread: Allow off-axis line errors to be permanently dismissed

  1. #1
    Wish List Administration
    Join Date

    Default Allow off-axis line errors to be permanently dismissed

    Summary: I wish "line slightly off axis" errors could be banished from the warning list.

    Description: I wish "line slightly off axis" errors could be banished from the warning list. This could be done an element-by-element basis.

    How Used: Sometimes I want a line to be slightly off axis!

    Feature Affinity: Other

    Submitted By: Terry Jones on July 23, 2008

  2. #2
    The CADSmith Chad Smith's Avatar
    Join Date
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: Allow off-axis line errors to be permanently dismissed

    I would like to see this available for all warnings, and as you say on an element basis.
    I would also like to see another button in the Review Warnings to show all Dismissed items incase you want to review them at a later date.

    Like you say, there are times when you deliberately want to do something, but not have it form the pool of stuff that you want to go back and fix.

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